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What is the function of the following -

a - pupil

b- cornea

c- retina

d- iris

e - eye lids

d- optic nerve

d- siliary muscles

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Cornea This is the front part of the tough outer coat that is transparent. It refracts light (bends it as it enters the eyes to ensure it is in the right place).

Retina The lining of the back of the eye containing two types of photoreceptor cells - Rods (sensitive to dim light, black and white) and Cones (sensitive to colour). This detects the light in the way a film would in a camera.

Optic nerve A cranial nerve (from the brain) that carries impulses information from the eyes to the brain where it can be interpreted.

Pupil The pupil is essentially a hole in the center of your iris that controls how much light enters the eye. It's size is controlled by the relaxing and contracting of the iris. When there is high light intensity, the pupil shrinks while it grows in low light intensity. This is to ensure there is enough light for vision without damaging the sensitive retina.

Iris The iris is the area of the eye that contains the pigment which gives the eye its colour. This area surrounds the pupil, and uses the dilator pupillae muscles to widen or close the pupil. This allows the eye to take in more or less light depending on how bright it is around you.

Ciliary muscles It allow the lens to change shape depending on the amount of light that hits it so it can be properly focused.

The eyelids serve to protect the eye from foreign matter, such as dust, dirt, and other debris, as well as bright light that might damage the eye. When you blink, the eyelidsalso help spread tears over the surface of your eye, keeping the eye moist and comfortable.

Hope this helps :)

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