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Byju's Answer
Standard X
Joint Forest Management
What steps ta...
What steps taken for protection and conservation of natural resources ?
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The following steps are taken/can be taken to conserve natural resources like:
Conservation of minerals:
Improving the technology to allow use of low grade ores at low costs.
Recycling of metals.
Using scrap metals and other substitutes.
Using the available minerals in a planned manner.
Conservation of forests:
Indiscriminate deforestation should be prohibited.
Wastage of timber and firewood should be avoided.
Forest fires should be prevented.
Reforestation of deforested areas should be undertaken.
Excessive grazing of cattle in forests should be discouraged.
Pests and diseases affecting forest trees should be chemically and biologically controlled.
Conservation of water:
Clothes should be washed in washing machines only when the machine is filled to its maximum loading capacity.
Taps must be closed while washing utensils, brushing teeth, shaving etc.
Trees should be planted in the monsoon season when temperatures are lower and rainfall is sufficient.
Promote rain water harvesting and drip irrigation.
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