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Which among the following characters of the model organism “Drosophila melanogaster” is incorrect?

They have a life cycle of two weeks
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They are hermaphrodites
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They contain eight chromosomes
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Drosophila genome is 60% homologous to that of the humans
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The correct option is B They are hermaphrodites
Drosophila is one of the best model organisms in genetics. Early research on genetics was carried out using this organism. T. H. Morgan carried out experiments using this fly to prove the chromosomal theory of inheritance.
Drosophila has a lot of advantages and got much research attention due to some unique characters like - brief life cycle of 2 weeks, low maintenance costs, easily observable distinguishing phenotypic characteristics, they contain four pairs of chromosomes (2n = 8), a single mating could produce a large number of flies etc. Drosophila genome is 60% homologous to that of humans and the sexes are separate, easily distinguishable male and female can be seen in the species population (they are not hermaphrodites). It is easily visible under low power microscopes (simple dissection microscope). Fruit fly was not only a model organism for research in the field of genetics but also in other fields like developmental biology, cancer biology etc.

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