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Which among the following statements are correct regarding Neo-Darwinism?
I. It explains how variations appear in a population
II. It explains the difference between somatic and germinal variations
III. Dobzhansky, Fisher, Mayr, Stebbins, Haldane and Wright proposed the modern synthetic theory of evolution

Only I
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I and III
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The correct option is D I, II and III
The modern synthetic theory of evolution or Neo-Darwinism, is an improvement of Darwin’s theory of natural selection. It is a combination of ideas from Darwin's theory of natural selection, mutation theory and Mendel’s principles of heredity.

This unifying theory was proposed by several scientists together. The various scientists include Dobzhansky, Fisher, Mayr, Stebbins, Haldane and Wright.

The table below shows a comparative study between the two:
Darwinism Neo-Darwinism
Darwin believed that variations in organisms are the raw materials of evolution but he could not explain the reason behind the appearance of such variations. Neo-Darwinism states that variations in the gene pool of a population is the raw material for evolution. The variations can be introduced due to gene mutations, genetic recombination, chromosomal aberrations, hybridisation, etc
Darwin was under the impression that all useful variations are inheritable. Neo-Darwinism states that only variations that occur in the DNA of germinal cells are inheritable.

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