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Question 01.
Which of the following are in inverse proportion?
(i) The number of workers on a job and the time to complete the job.
(ii) The time taken for a journey and the distance travelled in a uniform speed.
(iii) Area of cultivated land and the crop harvested.
(iv) The time taken for a fixed journey and the speed of the vehicle.
(v) The population of a country and the area of land per person.

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(i) The number of workers and the time to complete the job is in inverse proportion because less workers will take more time to complete a work and more workers will take less time to complete the same work.

(ii) Time and distance covered are in direct proportion because as time increases distance covered also increases.

(iii) It is a direct proportion because more area of cultivated land will yield more crops.

(iv) Time and speed are in inverse proportion because if time taken to cover a certain distance is less, then the speed has to be more.

(v) It is a inverse proportion. If the population of a country increases, the area of land per person decreases.

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