Which of the following factors is of no significance for roasting sulphide ores to the oxides and not subjecting the sulphide ores to carbon reduction directly?
Metal sulphides are less stable than the corresponding oxides
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CO2 is more volatile than CS2
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Metal sulphides are thermodynamically more stable than CS2
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CO2 is thermodynamically more stable than CS2
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The correct option is A Metal sulphides are less stable than the corresponding oxides MS+C→2M+CS2 ; ΔG1= positive
2MO+C→2M+CO2 ; ΔG2= negative
This suggests that CO2 is thermodynamically more stable than CS2. Metal sulphides are thermodynamically more stable than CS2 while metal sulphides are more stable than the corresponding oxides.
So metal sulphides are less stable than the corresponding oxides