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Which of the following is true regarding oral contraceptive pills?

Chemicals that directly prevent fertilisation
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They contain steroidal or non steroidal preparations
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They contain spermicidal salts
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They contain chemicals that cause automatic abortions
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The correct option is B They contain steroidal or non steroidal preparations
Among the various ways in which contraception can be achieved, one of the ways is the use of chemical agents. The use of chemical agents can be done in two ways - use of steroidal hormones, or the use of non steroidal chemicals. They are used in the form of pills, injectables, implants, skin patches, vaginal rings, etc.
Contraceptive pills that are administered through the oral route can be of two types depending upon the chemical composition used in the preparation of the pills. If steroidal hormones like progesterone and estrogen, or their synthetic versions are used, they are referred to as hormonal pills. If non steroidal chemicals are used, they are called non hormonal pills.
Oral pills don’t contain spermicidal salts. Spermicidal agents are available separately in the market in the form of foams, jellies, and creams which contain spermicide chemicals that are capable of killing the sperms.
Contraceptive pills don’t cause abortions. They just prevent the chances of fertilisation or implantation. Abortions can be done through medications within a certain time range, in consultation with a doctor. But then, the methods adopted would be methods of abortion, and not methods of contraception.
Oral pills don’t actually target the event of fertilisation. They target the gametes, specifically their process of formation and transport to the site of fertilisation. Fertilisation can’t directly be prevented, but the next step i.e. implantation can be prevented.

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