Which of the following options show the correct match of parameters in column A with possible values in column B? ColumnAColumnB1.Areaa.67m2.Perimeterb.Rs.6/m23.Cost per m2c.100m2d.Rs.6m2e.100/m2
1-d ; 2-a ; 3-b
1-c ; 2-a ; 3-d
1-c ; 2-a ; 3- b
1-c ; 2-e ; 3- d
ColumnAColumnB1.Areaa.67m2.Perimeterb.Rs.6/m23.Cost per m2c.100m2d.Rs.6m2e.100/m2
Which of the following options show the correct match of parameters in column A with possible values in column B?
ColumnAColumnB1. Areaa.67m2.Perimeterb.Rs.6/m23. Cost per m2c.100m2d.Rs.6m2e.100/m2
ColumnAColumnB1.Areaa.67 m2.Perimeterb.Rs.6/m23.Cost per m2c.100 m2d.Rs.6 m2e.100/m2
ColumnAColumnB1.Areaa. 67 m2.Perimeter b. Rs.6/m23.Cost per m2c. 100 m2d.Rs.6 m2e. 100/m2 Which of the following options show the correct match of parameters in column A with possible values in column B?