The correct option is
C Clarias gariepinus
Biodiversity refers to the variety and variability of organisms and ecosystems found in a geographical area.
The rapid reduction in the number of individuals in a species or extinction of any species results in biodiversity loss which can disturb the ecological balance of the entire biosphere of this planet Earth.
Human intervention leading to habitat fragmentation, over exploitation of resources (skin of tiger), introduction of invasive alien species (Lantana) and co-extinction of species (Dodo and Dodo tree) in obligatory relationships are the four main reasons that have led to a rapid rate of biodiversity loss. Together these factors are named as ‘The Evil quartet’.
Intentional or unintentional introduction of alien species into a habitat may result in competition between the indigenous species and the alien species, if they require the same resources for survival. Often the superior alien species becomes invasive and causes the population of indigenous species to decline, ultimately leading to extinction of the species.
The African catfish Clarias gariepinus was illegally introduced into Indian rivers for the purpose of aquaculture (breeding of aquatic animals for economic gains). This invasive alien species is now posing a threat of extinction to the Indian catfish varieties. Hence option c is correct.

Figure : Clarias gariepinus
Eichhornia crassipes (Terror of Bengal), Lantana camara and Parthenium hysterophorus (carrot grass) are some of the foreign weed species which are pushing native species of crop plants to the brink of extinction. Hence options a, b and d are incorrect.

Figure : Parthenium hysterophorus

Figure : Lantana camara

Figure : Eichhornia crassipes