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Which of the following statements are true (T) and which are false(F):

(a) Zero is the smallest natural number.

b) 400is the predecessor of 399.

(c) Zero is the smallest whole number.

(d) 600 is the successor of 599.

(e) All-natural numbers are whole numbers.

(f) All whole numbers are natural numbers.

(g) The predecessor of a two-digit number is never a single-digit number.

(h) 1 is the smallest whole number.

(i) The natural number 1 has no predecessor.

(j) The whole number 1 has no predecessor.

(k) The whole number 13 lies between 11 and 12.

(l) The whole number 0 has no predecessor.

(m) The successor of a two-digit number is always a two-digit number.

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Determine the statements that are true and false.

a) Zero is the smallest natural number.

It is “False” because 0 is not a natural number. It is a whole number.

b) 400is the predecessor of 399.

It is “False” because the predecessor of 399is (3991)=398.

c) Zero is the smallest whole number.

It is “True” because the whole numbers begin with 0.

d) 600is the successor of 599.

It is “True” because 599+1=600 so 600is the successor of 599.

e) All-natural numbers are whole numbers.

It is “True” because when we add 0 to the list of all-natural numbers we get all whole numbers.

So natural numbers are a sub set of Whole numbers.

f) All whole numbers are natural numbers.

It is “False” because 0 is a whole number but not a natural number.

g) The predecessor of a two-digit number is never a single-digit number.

It is “False” because the predecessor of 10 is 10-1=9 which is a single-digit number

h) 1is the smallest whole number.

It is “False” because the 0 is the smallest whole number.

i) The natural number 1has no predecessor.

It is “True” because the predecessor of 1 is 0, which is not a natural number but is whole number.

So we can say that the natural number 1has no predecessor in natural numbers, but it has a predecessor in whole numbers.

j) The whole number 1has no predecessor.

It is “False” because 0 is the predecessor of 1 and is a whole number.

k) The whole number 13 lies between11 and 12 .

It is “False” because 13 lies between 12 and 14. Also no whole number lies between 11 and 12 as they are consecutive numbers

l) The whole number 0 has no predecessor.

It is “True” because the predecessor of 0 is -1 and is not a whole number, -1 is an integer.

So we can say that whole number 0 has no predecessor in whole numbers but has a predecessor in integers.

m) The successor of a two-digit number is always a two-digit number.

It is “False” because the successor of 99is 100 which is a three-digit number.

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