The correct option is
D Lymphatic system
Plague is a class of dangerous, life-threatening and infectious disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. The bacterium is mainly found in animals like rodents (rats). The insects that feed on the blood of these animals transmit the disease. This disease is also called Black Plague, as the black rats are the carrier of this dangerous disease.
Plague disease is a deadly contagious disease which spreads from person to person through air or by any other means of contact.
There are three kinds of Plague :
Pneumonic plague – It is a contagious disease that causes lung infection. It is mainly transmitted from person to person by direct contact with droplets. Infected individuals develop several disorders such as chest pain, cough, cold, etc.
Septicemic plague – It is the infection of the blood that leads to septicemic plague, the bacteria almost kills the cells of the blood in the human body causing death.
Bubonic plague – It is an infection of the lymph nodes of the body. The lymph nodes get swollen and the pesson experiences serious pain in the body. It is transmitted through the fleas.