Plant breeding is the purposeful alteration of the genes of plant species to create desired plant types that are better fitted to cultivation, can produce better yields, and are disease resistant also as resistant to some pests. Insect resistance refers to the crops that either naturally or when genetically engineered can resist the damage caused by the insects.
Pusa Sem 2, Pusa Sem 3 is an insect-resistant variety of Flat bean that shows resistance against jassids, aphids, and fruit borer. Pusa sawani is the disease resistant variety of okra. The crops of this variety of okra usually mature within 50 days, starting from the time of sowing. The production of this variety was done by interspecific hybridization.
\(\begin{array} {|c|c|c|}
\text{Crop} & \text{Variety} & \text{Insect Pests}\\
\text{Flat bean} & \text{Pusa Sem 2,} & \text{Jassids aphids and}\\
& \text{Pusa Sem 3} & \text{fruit borer}\\
\text{Okra (Bindi)} & \text{Pusa Sawani} & \text{Shoot and }\\
& \text{Pusa A-4} & \text{fruit borer}\\
So, the correct answer is "Pusa sawani"