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Which one of the following is the correct description of a certain part of a normal human skeleton?


The parietal bone and the temporal bone of the skull are joined by fibrous joint

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The glenoid cavity is a depression to which the thigh bone articulates

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The first vertebra is the axis that articulates with the occipital condyles

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The 9th and 10th pairs of ribs are called the floating ribs

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The correct option is A

The parietal bone and the temporal bone of the skull are joined by fibrous joint

The correct option is A.

Explanation of the correct option:

  1. Bones of skulls are joined by sutures.
  2. These sutures are made up of collagenous fibrous tissue for the firm joining of bones.
  3. The posterior roof of the skull is formed by the parietal bones.
  4. The temporal bone is found beneath the temple and on the bottom sides of the skull.
  5. Therefore, the parietal bone and the temporal bone of the skull are joined by these fibrous joints.

Explanation of the incorrect options:

Option B:

  1. The glenoid cavity is part of shoulder girdles.
  2. It articulates the humerus in the cavity-forming shoulder joint.

Option C:

  1. The first vertebrae are cervical vertebrae and are present in the neck area.
  2. The first vertebra is the atlas and second one is the axis.
  3. Atlas vertebra articulates with the occipital condyles.

Option D:

  1. Ribs are present in the chest region forming the thoracic cage.
  2. True ribs, false ribs, and floating ribs are the type of ribs.
  3. The ribs which are not attached to the chest bone directly are called floating ribs.
  4. The last two pairs of ribs are known as the floating ribs, i.e. 11th and 12th pair.

Final answer: In a normal human skeleton, the parietal bone and the temporal bone of the skull are joined by fibrous joint.

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