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Which technique will you use to separate a mixture of carbon tetrachloride and water

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There are 2 main methods, Gravity seperation and vapour decreasing plant.Both are given below.

Carbon tetrachloride is 1.6 times heavier than water.
Carbon tetra chloride and water do not mix.

So when you mix these two liquids, the water floats on the surface of the tetrachloride forming clear layers and can be easily separated. There is a glass device whichn is used to separate these liquids. It is called a separating funnel. This is a bottle like device which has a tap at the bottom. When you put a mixture of the two liquids in this device, the carbon tetrachloride forms the lower layer. If yu open the tap carefully, the tetrachloride comes out first and can be taken out completely. The upper layer of water remains in the funnel.
So you have separated the two liquids.

The two liquids are separated because their specific gravities are different . So this method is called " Gravity separation "

The other method is

Carbon Tetrachloride is heavier than water, and boils at 94–96 deg C. This is regularly used in vapour degreasing plant in many applications.

Standard procedure to separate the chemical from water in a mixture has been to heat in a vapour degreasing plant. This plant boils the mixture at base and vapour comes up. There is a cooling zone above the vapour zone, where cold water is circulated through a set of water coils. Below these coils is a trough on all sides, with a hole and small pipe going out. You may note that you do net get appreciable smell of CCl4 above the cooling zone or above the top of the plant.

Vapour of CCl4 gets condensed in the cooling zone, and drain out through the pipe, and pure CCl4 is collected in a container. Temperature of mixture is monitotered by a thermostat or a thermometer.

When all chemical has drained, temperature starts going up. This is time draining is stopped. CCl4 collected this way is quite pure, and only water remains at bottom of the degreasing plant. It is drained out from bottom opening.

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