Why can you smell the perfume of incense stick ?
The particles of the perfume (matter) are not stationary, but are continuously moving. They drift through the air and hence we can smell the perfume.
Why cannot you smell its perfume at a short distance when incense stick is not lighted ?
Why is the smell of the perfume of incense stick filled the whole room in few minutes, when lighted ?
Why do we smell the fragrance of an incense stick?
a) Convert the following temperature to the Celsius scale.
(i) 293 K (ii) 470 K b) Why can you smell the perfume of incense stick ? c) Why does the temperature of a substance remain constant during its melting point or boiling point? d) Which amongst the following is not matter? (i). Brick (ii) Pen (iii) Time Give reason.
How do we detect the smell of an incense stick?