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With the help of well labelled diagram describe the structure of the nephron.

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  1. The nephron is the microscopic structure, the structural and functional unit of the kidney.
  2. The kidney contains hundreds of millions of nephrons, and these individual nephrons are used to concentrate urine from the blood.
  3. Nephrons are located in the cortex and medulla of the kidney.
  4. The function of the nephron is to remove waste products, excess water, and electrolytes from the blood.

Structure of nephron:

  1. The nephron is the microscopic structure of the kidney.
  2. Each kidney has 1 - 1.3 million nephrons.
  3. Each nephron consists of 2 parts,
  • Renal corpuscle,
  • Renal tubule.

Renal corpuscle:

  1. It is also called as Malpighian capsule.
  2. It is situated in the cortex of the kidney.
  3. It consists of two parts glomerulus and a cup-shaped structure called Bowman's capsule.
  4. Glomerulus consists of capillary tuft, which is invasive to the Bowman's capsule.
  5. The capillary tuft reunites and forms an efferent arteriole that emerges from the glomerulus.
  6. The afferent arteriole breaks up into 15 capillary loops, creating the glomerular tuft.
  7. Bowman's capsule is the dilated blind end; it consists of two layers.
  8. The interior of Bowman's capsule, called Bowman's space, collects the filtrate from the filtering capillaries of the glomerular tuft.

Renal tubule:

  1. It reabsorbed ions, water, and nutrients.
  2. It removes toxins and adjusts filtrate pH.

The loop of Henle :

  1. The shape of the loop is U shaped tube that consists of a descending limb and ascending limb.
  2. In this, a large amount of water is to be reabsorbed.

Distal convoluted tubule:

  1. It selectively secretes and absorbs ions to maintain electrolyte balance and blood pH levels.

Collecting Ducts :

  1. The collecting ducts are continuous with the nephron.
  2. Each duct collect filtrate from several nephrons for final modification.
  3. It reabsorbs solutes and water from the filtrate.
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