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Write a brief note on new religious developments in north India.

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During the thirteenth century, a new wave of the Bhakti movement began in north India. This was an age when Islam, Brahmanical Hinduism, Sufism, various strands of Bhakti, and the Nathpanths, Siddhas, and Yogis influenced one another. Ordinary people such as craftspersons, peasants, traders, etc. showed their interest in listening to these new saints. Kabir and Baba Guru Nanak did not approve of orthodox religious beliefs. Tulsidas and Surdas accepted existing beliefs and practices but wanted to make religion accessible to all. Tulsidas conceived of God in the form of Rama. His Ramacharitmanas is a unique creation. Surdas was an ardent devotee of Krishna. His compositions compiled the Sursagara, Sursaravali and Sahitya Lahari, express his devotion. Shankaradeva of Assam emphasised devotion to Vishnu and composed poems and plays in the Assamese. He began the practice of setting up namghars or houses of recitation and prayer. Saints like Dadu Dayal, Ravidas and Mirabai are worth-mentioning here. Mirabai was a Rajput princess and was married into the royal family of Mewar in the 16th century. She became a disciple of Ravidas, an untouchable saint. She devoted her life to Lord Krishna. She composed a number of bhajans expressing her intense devotion. A unique feature of most of the saints is that their works were composed in regional languages and could be sung. Therefore, they became very popular among the common mass.

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