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Write a note on metals, Nonmetals, Metalloids, and noble gases.

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  • It is a solid material that conducts heat & electricity, hard, shiny, malleable, fusible, and ductile.

Some of the important characteristic properties of metals.

  • Melting points that are really high.
  • Excellent electricity conductors, Copper, Aluminium, Silver, Gold, etc are examples.
  • They are excellent heat conductors, Copper, Aluminium, etc. are examples
  • A lot of density example iron, Osmium.
  • Malleable For example silver, gold, etc.
  • Ductility, For example, silver, and gold.

Non Metals:

  • Non-metals are bad conductors of electricity and heat. They lacked all metallic attributes.

Some of the important characteristics of non-metals.

  • Non-malleable and non-ductile materials.
  • They are poor heat and electricity conductors.
  • There is no metallic shine to these, and they do not reflect light.
  • These are gaseous at room temperature. Example Oxygen, Nitrogen, etc.


  • They are defined as chemical elements whose physical and chemical properties fall in between the metal and non-metal categories.
  • Metalloids are semiconductors in nature.

Some of the important characteristics of metalloids

  • Metalloids have the appearance of metals but behave more like nonmetals.
  • They have the electronic band of a semimetal or semiconductor.
  • These are glossy, brittle solids having intermediate to good electrical conductivity.
  • Examples Silicon, and Boron, are common examples of metalloids.

Noble Gases:

Noble gases are inert in nature as they are the most stable elements in nature.

Some of the important characteristics of noble gases.

  • Under normal conditions, noble gases are colorless, odorless, tasteless, and non-flammable.
  • They were originally referred to as group zero in the periodic table since their valence was thought to be zero.
  • Their atoms could not mix with other elements to make compounds.
  • Examples are Helium, Argon, Neon, etc.

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