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Write in front of each picture what the vehicle is used for. In the spaces provided, draw the pictures of some other vehicles. Write their names and what they are used for. Are all these vehicles used for our travel?

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Read the following passage and answer the question that follows.

A hybrid vehicle is a vehicle which uses two or more kinds of propulsion. Most hybrid vehicles use a conventional gasoline engine as well as an electric motor to provide power to the vehicle. These are usually called hybrid-electric vehicles, or HEVs. Hybrids use two types of propulsion in order to use gasoline more efficiently than conventional vehicles do. Most hybrid vehicles use the gasoline engine as a generator which sends power to the electric motor. The electric motor then powers the car. In conventional vehicles, the gasoline engine powers the vehicle directly. Since the main purpose of using a hybrid system is to efficiently use resources, most hybrid vehicles also use other efficient systems. Most hybrid vehicles have regenerative braking systems. In conventional vehicles, the gasoline engine powers the brakes, and the energy used in braking is lost. In regenerative braking systems, the energy lost in braking is sent back into the electrical battery for use in powering the vehicle. Some hybrid vehicles use periodic engine shutoff as a gas-saving feature. When the vehicle is in idle, the engine temporarily turns off. When the vehicle is put back in gear, the engine comes back on. Some hybrids use tires made of a stiff material which rolls easily and prevents drag on the vehicle. Since hybrid vehicles use less gasoline than conventional vehicles, they put fewer emissions into the atmosphere than conventional vehicles do. As hybrids become more popular, conventional vehicles are being used less, and the level of emissions being put into the air is decreasing. Hybrid vehicles are an example of an energy-efficient technology that is good for both consumers and the environment.

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