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Write the physical properties of water.

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Physical properties of water:

  • Appearance: Water is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless liquid in its natural state. The crystal structure of water in hexagonal.
  • Boiling Point of Water: The boiling point is defined as the temperature at which the vapour pressure of the liquid is equal to the pressure surrounding the liquid, and thus the liquid changes to vapour. The boiling point of water is 100°C.
  • Freezing Point of Water: The freezing point is the temperature at which the substance changes state from liquid to solid. So, for water, the point at which liquid state water turns to solid-state ice is the freezing point of water, which is 0°C or 32°F.
  • Specific Heat Capacity: Water has a high specific heat capacity of 4.2 joules per gram at 25°C. This is due to the extensive hydrogen bonding between the water molecules.
  • Density of Water: The density of water is about 1g(cc)-1 and it varies with temperature in an unusual pattern. The density of water in different states – solid and liquid. In solid-state, the density is 0.9g(cc)-1
  • Viscosity of Water: The viscosity is defined by the resistance to deformation at a given rate. In other words, the thickness of the liquid –e.g., syrup and water. The viscosity of water is 0.89 cP (centipoise).
  • Surface Tension of Water: Surface tension is the tendency of the fluid to shrink in a minimum surface area. Water has a high surface tension of 72nm-1 at 25°C. Because of this high surface tension of water, insects can walk on the surface of the water without any discomfort.
  • Refractive Index of Water: In simpler words, the refractive index is the number that describes how fast the light reached the material. The refractive index of water is 1.333 at 20°C.
  • Dielectric Constant of Water: Dielectric constant is a measure of how easily the material is polarized by an electric field. The dielectric constant of water is very high, which is at 78.6. This constant plays a very important role in water, being a universal solvent.

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