List of Best Newspapers for IAS Preparation

“Which is the best newspaper to read for UPSC IAS Exam?”- It is a very frequently asked question by IAS Aspirants, who are in their early stages of UPSC preparation. For UPSC Civil Services IAS Exam, it is mandatory to read a newspaper. This will help you to build your awareness about current events happening in your society, country etc. Read on to find out which is the best newspaper for civil service preparation.

Aspirants can check the UPSC previous year question paper for more details about the exam.

Here we are providing a list of the best newspaper for IAS 2022. Read more to know why we mentioned here the list of newspapers for UPSC IAS Exam. The listed are the major newspapers which an aspirant must read to fetch a good score in General Studies papers of Prelims and Mains in the Civil Services Exam. These newspapers are in English hence it is supportive for the English medium aspirants.

Hindi aspirants can refer this list of Hindi newspapers for UPSC.

Best newspaper for UPSC

The best newspapers as recommended by IAS toppers for UPSC preparation are:

  1. The Hindu
  2. The Indian Express
  3. Business Standard

The Hindu

The Hindu is an English-language Indian daily newspaper launched as a weekly in 1878. The Hindu newspaper gives importance to the major National news. It never gives too much space to the unnecessary news. Along with that, they provide authentic information analysed by experts and government websites like PIB and PRS. The aspirants should keep a thorough eye on the Business section, editorial, Science and Technology, art and culture section published in the newspaper which is really useful for both UPSC prelims and mains exams.

How to read the Hindu for UPSC

Indian Express

Founded in 1932 by Ramnath Goenka, this English daily is useful for UPSC IAS Exam. Along with The Hindu, The Indian Express is considered to be the best source of current affairs information for competitive exam preparation.

How to read the Indian Express for UPSC?

  • The Indian Express provides comprehensive coverage to all the topics, especially the Indian Polity. It is very useful for UPSC Mains as it provides unbiased information on the issues. 
  • The aspirants can read all news which is of national and international importance. 
  • The aspirants can avoid the sports section, death of any person, crime incidents, market details, any details regarding a particular company. 

The aspirants can read UPSC Syllabus and accordingly know what topics to focus on and which ones can be avoided.  

Business Standard

The Business Standard is a good business daily published in the English language. The editorial and articles in this newspaper will help one to collect genuine information on the current events happening in the economy, which is a crucial subject in UPSC IAS exam.

Other the print newspapers mentioned above, there are also several online publications which can be a source of useful information for IAS aspirants.


The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is the world’s oldest national broadcasting organization. The articles published in the BBC are helpful for UPSC prelims and especially mains. Reading BBC will help the aspirant to cultivate knowledge about international affairs.

Simply reading the newspapers is not enough for a highly competitive exam like the Civil Services Exam. Aspirants should make notes from the newspapers and align them with the UPSC syllabus so that they are easy to revise.

Other than newspapers, there are important magazines for UPSC preparation as well.

Find the list of best magazines for UPSC, BYJU’S daily news analysis and other UPSC 2022 related articles in the links below.

Related Links:

UPSC 2022 Calendar UPSC Books
UPSC 2022 UPSC Notes
Best Magazines For UPSC How to Read Newspaper for UPSC
How To Read The Hindu How To Make Notes From Newspaper For UPSC Current Affairs

Daily News


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