The Indian government introduced the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) in the year 1964. The commission was set up on the recommendation of K. Santhanam Committee on Prevention of Corruption. It was originally introduced through an executive resolution. The Central Vigilance Committee’s role is to advise and guide the Central Government in the field of surveillance.
The topic ‘Central Vigilance Commission’ is important for IAS Exam as it forms an important part of the Political Science subject for prelims, mains GS-II, and optional papers.
Latest Context:
- The Central Vigilance Commission had specified the eligibility criteria for empanelment of eminent persons for nomination as Independent External Monitors (IEM) for adoption and implementation of Integrity Pact.
- Subsequently, the Commission has received feedback and suggestions from Chief Vigilance Officers and other individuals, regarding the eligibility criteria.
- On consideration and analysis of the same, the Commission has decided to modify the eligibility criteria.
- The zone of consideration of eminent persons for empanelment as IEMs to oversee implementation of Integrity Pact would now consist of –
- Officer who has held the post of Additional Secretary to Government of India or were in equivalent or higher pay scale, at the time of retirement (whether serving with Government of India or any State Government).
- Persons who have held the post of CMD of Schedule ‘A’ Public Sector Enterprise and were equivalent or higher to Additional Secretary to Government of India at the time of retirement.
- Persons who have held the post of CMD/MD and CEO of Public Sector Banks, Insurance companies and other financial institutions, at the time of retirement.
- Chief Executive Officer of an organisation (other than listed above), who were equivalent or higher to Additional Secretary to Government of India, at the time of retirement.
- Officers of Armed Forces, who were in the pay scale of equivalent or higher to Additional Secretary to Government of India, at the time of retirement.
- Further, the commission has decided that the proposal for nomination of IEMs in the respective organisations should be sent by the concerned department responsible for ensuring implementation of the Integrity Pact in the organisation after taking approval from the competent authority.
- The proposal for nomination of IEMs should preferably be sent 3 months prior to the completion of tenure of the existing IEMs, failing which the commission would nominate IEMs on its own, from the panel, being maintained by it.
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Table of Contents:
What is the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC)?
It is an agency constituted to curb corruption in offices of the Indian government. Complaints from whistleblowers (an employee of the firm/public office informing the public about frauds/wrongdoings in the office) under ‘Whistleblower Resolution’ are received by CVC after which the commission can take actions on motivated acts.
CVC is called the apex vigilance institution. It is free of control from any executive authority. Its role is to monitor all vigilance activity under the Central Government and advising various authorities in Central Government organizations in planning, executing, reviewing and reforming their vigilance work.
Facts about the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) for UPSC:
- Since 25 August 1998, CVC is a multi-member commission having a statutory status.
- Central Vigilance Act came into effect in the year 2003 after CVC bill was passed by both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.
- First Chief Vigilance Commissioner of India was Nittoor Srinivasa Rau.
- Since 2004, the commission receives complaints under Public Interest Disclosure and Protection of Informers’ Resolution” (PIDPI), also called Whistleblowers’ Resolution.
- Sanjay Kothari is the Central Vigilance Commissioner of India 2021.
- It works on the policy of ‘Zero Tolerance Against Corruption.’
CVC Annual Report 2019 Facts
The Central Vigilance Commission is expected to release its annual report for the year 2020 in June 2021. The latest data is from its annual report 2019 that was made available in June 2020:
- CVC recommended the initiation of criminal proceedings in 72 cases in 2019.
- CVC rendered its advice in a total of 3157 cases in the year 2019:
- 493 cases – First Stage Advice – CVC advised initiating major penalty proceedings
- 193 cases – First Stage Advice – CVC advised initiating minor penalty proceedings
- 110 cases – Second Stage Advice – CVC advised imposition of major penalty
- 96 cases – Second Stage Advice – CVC advised imposition of minor penalty
- CVC disposed off 34813 complaints out of the total 35649 complaints received by it in 2019. The complaints against the public servants working in the state government/organizations were in large numbers.
It is important for IAS aspirants to know about facts related to CVC as they are important for UPSC Mains and interview too.
How many members are there in Central Vigilance Commission?
CVC has three members:
- Central Vigilance Commissioner
- Two Vigilance Commissioner (Maximum number of commissioners is 2)
Facts about CVC Members:
- President of India appoints CVC members by warrant under his hand and seal
- The President’s appointment comes after the recommendation by a three-member committee:
- Prime Minister
- Minister of Home Affairs (MHA)
- Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha
- Term of Office: Four years or if they attain 65 years of age (whichever is earlier)
- After they retire, they are not eligible for reappointment in any central or state government agency.
Aspirants reading CVC should also check other important polity articles given below:
ARC Reports | Money Bill |
Private Member Bill | Directive Principles of State Policy |
Sources of Indian Constitution | Comptroller & Auditor General (CAG) |
Can Central Vigilance Members be removed?
Yes, the CVC members can be removed in the following circumstances:
Removal of CVC Members |
If the member is adjudged as an insolvent |
If the Central government holds him responsible for an offence involving moral turpitude/ or he is convicted for such an offence |
If he becomes a part of the office of profit |
If he is declared unfit by reason of infirmity of mind or body, by the President |
If he is found interested in financially driven activities or other such interests which can likely affect prejudicially his official functions |
Note: CVC members can also be removed by the President on the grounds of proven misbehaviour. However, the Supreme Court is referred by President only after which CVC members can be removed.
The Organisation of Central Vigilance Commission
There are three departments under the commission, given in the table below:
The organisation of the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) | ||
Secretariat | Chief Technical Examiners’ (CTE) wing | Wing of Commissioners for Departmental Inquiries (CDIs) |
It is the technical wing, having:
What is the work of the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC)?
The following are the works of CVC members:
- They inquire or investigate whenever a public servant (Central Government employee) commits an offence under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.
- They inquire or investigate against following officials who commit an offence under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988:
- Members of all-India services serving in the Union and Group ‘A’ officers of the Central government
- The specified level of officers of the authorities of the Central government
- They superintend the functioning of the Delhi Special Police Establishment (CBI) in cases related to the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
- They direct Delhi Special Police Establishment in investigative cases related to the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
- They review the progress of investigations conducted by the Delhi Special Police Establishment in cases related Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
- They review the progress of those applications that are pending with competent authorities for sanction under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
- Central Government and its authorities are advised on matters as they refer to CVC members
- They also superintend vigilance departments of government ministries
- They undertake or cause an inquiry into complaints received under Whistleblower Resolution and recommend appropriate action.
- Whenever the central government makes rules and regulations governing the vigilance and disciplinary matters relating to members of Central Services and All-India Services, CVC is consulted.
- CVC members are part of the selection committee which is responsible to recommend the appointment of the Director of Enforcement (ED.)
- CVC is a part of the selection committee that recommends officers for appointments to the posts above the level of Deputy Director of Enforcement.
- The Commission acts as an authority to receive information that is related to suspicious transactions under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002
- It recommends to Central Government for the appointment of Director of Prosecution in Central Bureau of Investigation
- CVC members are part of a selection committee that is responsible to recommend the appointment of officers to the posts of the level of SP and above in the CBI except for the Director of CBI
- Lokpal refers complaints to CVC who initiate a preliminary inquiry in respect of officers and officials of Groups A, B, C & D
Jurisdiction of Central Vigilance Commission
CVC can extend its jurisdiction to the following:
Jurisdiction of Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) |
Union Government Officers/ Group A officers of All India Services |
Public Sector Bank Officers of the rank of Scale V and above |
RBI, NABARD and SIDBI officers in Grade D and above |
General Insurance Companies’ officers in the position of managers and above |
Life Insurance Companies’ officers having the designation of Senior Divisional Managers and above |
Officers drawing a salary of `8700/- per month (pre-revised) and above on Central Government D.A. pattern, as may be revised from time to time, in societies and local authorities owned or controlled by the Central Government |
CVC – Vigilance Awareness Week
This awareness week is observed by the Central Vigilance Commission every year in the month of October. The week includes Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel’s birth anniversary which is on October 31.
The motive of Vigilance Awareness Week is to:
- Take an Integrity Pledge by all government ministries and organisations
- Spread the words on prevention of corruption across the nation
- Conduct workshops and campaigns for government employees and other stakeholders on policies/procedures of the organization and preventive vigilance measures
- Establish Integrity Clubs in schools and colleges
- Aware Gram Sabhas to sensitize the rural citizens about the ill-effects of corruption
Note: The theme of the 2020 Vigilance Awareness Week is “Satark Bharat, Samriddh Bharat (Vigilant India, Prosperous India)”.
The Whistleblowers Protection Act
The Act came on the heels of “The Public Interest Disclosure and Protection to Persons Making the Disclosure Bill, 2010” in the Lok Sabha on August 26, 2010. The Bill as passed by Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha on 21st February 2014 and received the assent of the President on May 9, 2014. (To read how a bill is passed in Indian Parliament, check the linked article.)
The act has provided mechanisms to secure the identity of public employees who expose corruption in government ministries and departments. It also aids the intention to expose corruption by public servants, including ministers.
Facts related to the Whistleblowers Protection Act:
- There is a penalty of imprisonment for 2 years or a fine of Rs. 30000 or both, in cases related to false charges
- The Act is not applicable to the state of Jammu and Kashmir, the armed forces and the Special Protection Group mandated to provide security to the Prime Minister and former prime ministers, among others.
Central Vigilance Commission – Indian Polity Notes:- Download PDF Here
Frequently Asked Questions on Central Vigilance Commission (CVC)
Q 1. Is CVC a statutory body?
Q 2. What is the full form of CVC?
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