The difference between Ethics and Morality is explained here in detail. Ethics is a branch of philosophy that “involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong behaviour. Morality can be a body of standards or principles derived from a code of conduct from a particular philosophy, religion, or culture, or it can derive from a standard that a person believes. This topic is important from the perspective of getting a clear distinction between Ethics vs Morality.

Aspirants would find this article very helpful while preparing for the IAS Exam.

Some other important terms which might need clarity for the competitive examinations including the UPSC exam are linked below:

Difference Between Ethics and Values Difference Between Ethics and Ethos

Difference between Ethics and Morality – UPSC Notes:- Download PDF Here

Difference between Ethics and Morality

The major difference between Ethics and Morality are:

Ethics Morality
The word Ethics originated from the Greek word ethos. The meaning of ethos is a character The word Morals originated from the Latin word Mos. The meaning of Mos is custom.
Legal guidelines and professional rules govern ethics. The acceptability of ethics is confined within a particular space and time frame. When it comes to the acceptability of Morality it transcends the norms laid down by culture.
Ethics are dependent on the prism of others. Morality is seen from the perspective of an individual.
If the contexts are different then the ethics could be different, hence there is some degree of flexibility in ethics. Change in Morality depends on the change in the beliefs of an individual.
Ethics are followed because society has decided that it is the right course of action Morality is followed because a person believes that it is the right course of action.
A person who follows the ethical principles need not necessarily have strong moral values, in fact, there are even possibilities that he may not have any morals.  There could be situations where ethics are violated by a moral person to maintain to uphold his moral values.
Ethics is something usually associated in the field of law, medicine or business. Ethics does not have a religious connotation. Morality has a religious connotation

These are the main differences between Ethics and Morality. The differences given in the above table can help the UPSC Civil Service Exam aspirants to answer questions on topics related to Ethics Vs Morality.

Get more Difference between Articles – Complete List (History, Geography, Polity, and More) useful for the examination in the linked article.

After learning about the Ethics and Morality difference, it is better to know the details of Ethics – Moral attitude, mental health, and also learn facts on Ethics – Awareness of Responsibility thoroughly. Also learn the strategy for handling the General Studies Paper IV for the Mains exam, which deals with Ethics and Integrity. Apart from the strategy, aspirants are also advised to have a firm grip over the Syllabus and Structure of UPSC Mains General Studies Paper IV. Visit the below-given links to learn about Ethics – Moral Attitude, Mental Health; Ethics – Awareness of Responsibility, Syllabus and Structure of General Studies Paper IV, and the strategy for handling GS Paper IV which deals with subjects of Ethics and Integrity.

Difference between Ethics and Morality – UPSC Notes:- Download PDF Here

The above details would help candidates prepare for UPSC 2022.

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