Economy This Week

Economy This Week

BYJU’S free IAS prep presents another new segment as part of our efforts to make IAS preparation a smoother affair for students. In this segment titled “Economy This Week” we bring you an analysis of the topics in economy that make headlines every week. This is going to be a weekly affair and is curated by our in-house subject matter experts. Economics is an important subject in the UPSC-scheme of things and every year, many questions on Indian economy are asked both in the prelims and the mains exams. Along with regular newspapers, aspirants should also read the business newspapers or the business section of the newspapers and keep themselves abreast of the latest in this domain.

Highlights of ‘Economy This Week’

  • Round-up of all the important topics in Economics every week
  • Detailed and clear analysis of each headline
  • Point-wise summary of the topics for easy reading and revision
  • Topics exclusively relevant for the UPSC IAS exam
  • Document in an easily downloadable PDF format
  • Watch video analysis of the weekly business news

Along with the BYJU’S business newspaper discussion video, the text format of the relevant weekly business news will help aspirants immensely in their pursuit of the IAS dream.

MDI Roman Numerals is 1501. The expanded form of MDI is made use of to write the correct numeric form. Students will be able to have a good...
MDLI Roman Numerals can be expressed as integers by adding the translated roman numerals together, for example, MDLI = M + D + L + I = 1000 + 500...
MDXVI Roman Numerals can be written as numbers by combining the transformed roman numerals i.e. MDXVI = M + D + X + VI = 1000 + 500 + 10 + 6 =...
MIII Roman Numerals can be expressed as numbers by adding the translated roman numerals together, for example, MIII = M + I + I + I = 1000 + 1 +...
MLV Roman Numerals can be written as numbers by combining the transformed roman numerals i.e. MLV = M + L + V = 1000 + 50 + 5 = 1055. The higher...
MMCX Roman Numerals is 2110. The expanded form of MMCX is made use of to write the correct numeric form. Students will be able to have a good...
MDCCCLIX Roman Numerals is 1859. The expanded form of MDCCCLIX is made use of to write the correct numeric form. Students will be able to have a...
MDCCCLXIII Roman Numerals can be expressed as integers by adding the translated roman numerals together, e.g., MDCCCLXIII = M + D + C + C + L + X...
MCDXLIV Roman Numerals is 1444. The expanded form of MCDXLIV is made use of to write the correct numeric form. Students will be able to have a...
MDCCCLXXII Roman Numerals can be expressed as numbers by adding the translated roman numerals together, e.g., MDCCCLXXII = M + D + C + C + L + X...
The transformed roman numerals, MCLV = M + C + L + V = 1000 + 100 + 50 + 5 = 1155, can be expressed as numbers by combining the transformed roman...
MDCCCXCIX Roman Numerals can be expressed as numbers by combining the translated roman numerals, i.e. MDCCCXCIX = 1000 + 800 + 90 + 9 = 1899....
MCMIV Roman Numerals can be expressed as numbers by adding the translated roman numerals together, for example, MCMIV = M + CM + IV = 1000 + 900...
MDCCCXLVII Roman Numerals can be written as numbers by combining the transformed roman numerals i.e. MDCCCXLVII = M + D + C + C + (L - X) + V + I...
MCMLIV Roman Numerals can be written as numbers by combining the transformed roman numerals i.e. MCMLIV = M + CM + L + IV = 1000 + 900 + 50 + 4 =...
The transformed roman numerals, MCMLXI = M + CM + LX + I = 1000 + 900 + 60 + 1 = 1961, can be expressed as numbers by combining the transformed...
MCMLXXIII Roman Numerals is 1973. The expanded form of MCMLXXIII is made use of to write the correct numeric form. Students will be able to have...
MCMLXXXV Roman Numerals can be written as numbers by combining the transformed roman numerals i.e. MCMLXXXV = M + CM + LXXX + V = 1000 + 900 + 80...
MCMXIII Roman Numerals can be expressed as numbers by adding the translated roman numerals together, e.g. MCMXIII = M + CM + X + III = 1000 + 900...
MCMXLV Roman Numerals can be expressed as numbers by combining the transformed roman numerals, i.e. MCMXLV = 1000 + (1000 - 100) + (50 - 10) + 5...