The newspapers and journals published during the independence era are specific areas from where UPSC picks out the question. This is an area to focus on UPSC IAS Prelims. Here we have compiled a complete list of Newspapers during the freedom struggle and important journals with their founders.
List of Newspapers during Indian Freedom Struggle
Year | Name | Newspaper/ Journal | Founder |
1780 | Bengal Gazette | English newspaper | James Augustus Hicky |
1819 | Samvad Kaumudi | Bengali weekly newspaper | Ram Mohan Roy |
1822 | Mirat-ul-Akbar | Persian language journal | Raja Ram Mohan Roy |
1853 | Hindoo Patriot | English weekly | Madhusudan Ray |
1854 | Rast Goftar | Gujarati Newspaper | Dadabhai Naoroji |
1858 | Som Prakesh | Weekly newspaper | Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar |
1862 | Indian Mirror | Newspaper | Devendra Nath Tagore |
1868 | Amrita Bazar Patrika | Newspaper | Sisir Kumar Ghosh and Motilal Ghosh |
1871 | Tahzib-ul-Akhlaq | Journal | Sir Syed Ahmed Khan |
1878 | Hindu | Newspaper | Vir Raghavacharya and G.S. Aiyar |
1881 | Kesari | Marathi Newspaper | B.G. Tilak |
1888 | Sudharak | Newspaper | Gopal Ganesh Agarkar |
1896 | Prabuddha Bharata | English monthly journal | P. Aiyasami, B. R. Rajam Iyer, G. G. Narasimhacharya, and B. V. Kamesvara Iyer at the behest of Swami Vivekananda |
1899 | Udbodhana | Magazine | Swami Vivekananda |
1903 | Indian Opinion | Newspaper | M. K Gandhi |
1905 | Bande Mataram | English language newspaper | Aurobindo Ghosh |
1910 | Bombay Chronicle | English-language newspaper | Firoze Shah Mehta |
1911 | Comrade | Weekly English newspaper | Maulana Mohammad Ali |
1912 | Al-Balagh | Urdu weekly newspaper | Abul Kalam Azad |
1912 | Al-Hilal | Urdu weekly newspaper | Abul Kalam Azad |
1913 | Pratap | Hindi language newspaper | Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi |
1914 | New India | English-language daily newspaper | Annie Besant |
1919 | Independent | Newspaper | Motilal Nehru |
1919 | Young India | Weekly journal | M. K Gandhi |
1920 | Mook Nayak | Marathi weekly | B.R. Ambedkar |
1924 | Hindustan Times | English daily newspaper | Sunder Singh Lyallpuri |
1929 | Nav Jeevan | Weekly newspaper | M. K Gandhi |
1932 | Harijan | Weekly journal | M. K Gandhi |
1936 | Free Hindustan | Journal | Tarak Nath Das |
1936 | Hindustan Dainik | Hindi newspaper | M.M. Malviya |

Frequently Asked Questions on Newspapers During Indian Freedom Struggle
Q 1. How newspapers played an important role during the Indian Freedom Struggle?
Ans. Newspapers were used to spread awareness among the people of the country to unite against the Britishers to attain independence. Modern ideas of democracy, freedom, equality and patriotism were propagated through the medium of media.
Q 2. Who was the founder of the Bengal Gazette?
Ans. James Augustus Hicky was the founder of Bengal Gazette.
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