The term Pink Revolution denotes the revolution in the technologies used in the poultry and meat processing sector in the country. Durgesh Patel is known as the Father of the Pink Revolution. This article throws light on the Pink Revolution, Government policies, the opportunities, and difficulties associated with the Pink Revolution.
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India has witnessed many revolutions in its food industry such as the White and Green revolution that were related to Milk and Agriculture respectively. Under the Pink revolution, the focus was on the poultry and meat sector, onion production and pharmaceuticals.  India being a country that is rich in poultry and cattle population has a high potential to grow in this sector.
Pink Revolution In India
The modernization of the meat and poultry processing sector in India is the Pink Revolution. Candidates should note that the pink revolution is also denoted as a revolution for Onion production, pharmaceuticals and prawn production. Modernization is the mechanization and specialization of the standard of processes in the meat industry.Â
Industrialization and upgraded technologies are necessary for the Indian entities to meet and maintain global standards. Also, adopting and developing mass production capacities help industries to be more productive.Â
There is tremendous scope for the development of the domestic market because a significant number of the population of India still prefer to buy meat from the local shop instead of standard packaged meat.Â
Furthermore, considering the increasing threat of zoonotic diseases, it is imperative that India maintains and builds quality facilities so that exports of the country do not get banned by other countries.
Challenges & Potential of Pink Revolution
The authority of the Pink revolution falls under the National Meat and Poultry Processing Board that works under the directives of the Ministry of Food Processing. The challenges faced by the pink revolution are as mentioned below.
- Despite the huge livestock population in India, it accounts for only around 2% of the global market.
- Standardizing the quality and safety aspects of meat and poultry
- Creating standard policies for meat production and export
- Providing meat testing facilities
- Providing cold storages for the growth of the meat and poultry processing sector
- Infrastructure facilities for modern slaughterhouses
- Increased investment in the sector and more hygienic method for meat and poultry processing
Regardless of the number of challenges mentioned above, the meat and poultry processing sector in India has great potential for growth. The present per capita consumption of meat is around 6 grams a day which will improve to 50 grams a day by the next decade or so. Such a phenomenal increase in meat consumption ensures that the sector will witness tremendous growth.
You can also know in detail about the following:
Blue Revolution | Green Revolution | Golden Revolution |
Government Policies Promoting Pink Revolution In India
The Indian poultry industry is now worth more than 700 billion dollars. It has been growing at rates between 8-15% annually. The government of India also stands for and promotes the Pink Revolution in India. Some of the instances where the government supports the revolution are listed below.
- No excise duty or income tax is charged in the meat and poultry sector.
- No restrictions on the export of poultry and poultry products
- Transport subsidiaries to some extent are being provided by the government.Â
- Restrictions on Foreign Direct Investment have been lifted i.e. 100 % FDI is now permitted to tap available opportunities across the sector.
- To keep a check on the amount of meat wasted, the quality standards, deterioration, and contamination of produce, the government has launched a comprehensive scheme for the modernization of slaughterhouses across the country.
The importers of Indian meat are Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, Saudi Arabia UAE, and Egypt. The major exporters of buffalo meat are Punjab, Maharashtra, and Uttar Pradesh. The value added to the slaughterhouse by-products generates additional income, as well as the costs of disposing of those by-products, which can be minimized. Measures are taken to increase the efficiency of meat production of different species of animals using improved management practices.
Knowing about the Pink Revolution, challenges and scope of the revolution hold relevance in competitive exams like the Bank exam, RRB, SSC, Insurance exam, and other Government exams.Â
Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)
Consider the Following Statements
- The major exporters of buffalo meat are Punjab, Maharashtra, and Uttar Pradesh.Â
- The modernization of the meat and poultry processing sector and to increase Onion production in India is the Pink Revolution.
- Durgesh Patel is known as the Father of the Pink Revolution.Â
- The authority of the Pink revolution falls under the National Meat and Poultry Processing Board that works under the directives of the Ministry of Agriculture.
Which of the following options is correct?
A) Only 1, 2, and 3 are true.
B) All the 4 statements are True.
C) Only 1 and 4 are false.
D) None of the Statements are True.
Answer: A
Statement 4: The authority of the Pink revolution falls under the National Meat and Poultry Processing Board that works under the directives of the Ministry of Food Processing Industries and not under the Ministry of Agriculture.
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