The RISC and CISC both are part of system architecture and set of computer instruction. The important difference between RISC and CISC is the number of computing cycles. Let’s explore more differences between RISC and CISC.
What is RISC?
RISC stands for Reduced Instruction Set Computers. RISC is a microprocessor and as the name indicates, it performs a smaller number of computer instructions. Thus, it has a high speed to operate. It works on a fixed instruction format that keeps less than 100 instructions to be processed with a register-based instruction used by a few simple addressing modes. The LOAD/STORE is the only instruction used to access the memory as it is a compiler development mechanism.
What is CISC?
CICS stands for Complex Instruction Set Computer. CISC is the kind of chip that can be easily programmed and makes the best and efficient use of memory. The main motive of CISC is to make compiler development easy and simple. There is no need for the machine to generate instructions for the processor as CISC eliminates the need.
Difference between RISC and CISC Processor
S.No. | RISC | CISC |
1. | RISC is a reduced instruction set. | CISC is a complex instruction set. |
2. | The number of instructions is less as compared to CISC. | The number of instructions is more as compared to RISC. |
3. | The addressing modes are less. | The addressing modes are more. |
4. | It works in a fixed instruction format. | It works in a variable instruction format. |
5. | The RISC consumes low power. | The CISC consumes high power. |
6. | The RISC processors are highly pipelined. | The CISC processors are less pipelined. |
7. | It optimizes the performance by focusing on software. | It optimizes the performance by focusing on hardware. |
8. | Requires more RAM. | Requires less RAM. |
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