How To Prepare Reasoning For Bank Exams

In this article, we shall explore the best preparation tips for Reasoning section of Bank exams. Know how to solve reasoning questions for bank exams and prepare accordingly.

Reasoning is the most important section in any bank exam. This section consists of logical reasoning questions. This section helps in analysing the thinking and analytical ability and decision making power of a candidate.

This section may turn out to be very time taking if the candidate is not entirely aware of the type of reasoning questions asked in the bank exams.

Ace the Reasoning Ability section in the upcoming Government exams with the help of the following links:

To know more about various bank exams, check at the linked article.

Reasoning questions are generally confusing, candidates cannot decide the answer without taking some time and they have to apply good analytical skills. This is the reason why the reasoning part should not be attempted first during the bank exams.

Government Exam 2022

Generally, reasoning questions for bank exams are divided into two types:

  1. Verbal Reasoning
  2. Non-verbal Reasoning

The verbal reasoning includes topics like alphabetical and numerical series, blood relations, directional analysis, coding-decoding etc., while non-verbal reasoning questions include some series of graphical representations.

To explore Logical Reasoning in detail, check at the linked article.

Preparation Strategies For Reasoning Section Of Bank Exams

Here we give you important strategies for the bank exam preparation of Reasoning Ability section:

  • The preparation of the Reasoning Ability does not involve any theory materials. The key is to focus on the questions.
  • Even though the Reasoning part is based on logical thinking. To score good marks in this section you need to practice on a regular basis. This is necessary in order to answer the questions with accuracy in less time.
  • Reasoning questions for bank exams are lengthy and time taking. So candidates must make it a point that they refer to tricks and shortcuts to solve questions quickly. As may save up a lot of time.
  • If you feel the questions of Reasoning Ability section are confusing then don’t waste your time on the same question. Just start attempting the questions from other sections and then later you can solve these reasoning questions.
  • Solving online bank exam quiz shall also prove to be very useful for the aspirants preparing for bank exams.

To get a better idea about the reasoning questions for bank exams, candidates must solve previous year question papers. Given below are a few links that may help candidates in understanding the reasoning questions for bank exams even better:

To learn more about SBI Clerk Prelims Reasoning Syllabus, check at the linked article.

  • Never make random guesses for answering questions in the reasoning section as you may see all the options of the bank exam paper as correct.
  • Coding and decoding is a topic that you could score marks so just understand the basics and fundamentals. Once the basics are set you will be able to run through the questions of the bank exam question paper.
  • The inequalities topic consists of two topics – Mathematics inequalities and Coded inequalities. These sectional topics can be answered only if you have practised enough to score well in these topics.
  • Syllogism is a tricky topic and the question involves two to three statements and two to three conclusions. Practice more on the difficult concepts, this will help you in solving these questions of the bank exam question paper easily within less time.

To know more about SBI PO Mains Reasoning Syllabus, check at the linked article.

  • The seating arrangement questions in the Reasoning part consists of at least two comprehensive paragraphs with 5 questions. This is completely based on the information given in the paragraphs. Based on this tricky information, you should solve the questions of the bank exam paper.
  • There are two types of questions asked in the seating arrangement topic – circular seating arrangement and linear seating arrangement.
  • The data sufficiency topic consists of questions related to all the chapters. These questions are based on some topics such as blood relations, time and distance, time and work, averages, directions, coding and decoding etc. From the given information, questions are being asked and you have to draw the conclusion even if the given data provided is sufficient or not.

Candidates preparing for the upcoming bank exams can refer to the bank exam syllabus page to know the detailed section-wise syllabus.

Time management is one of the most important aspects while solving reasoning questions for bank exams. Candidates must make sure that they take minimum time to solve any question and too much time is not spent on a single question.

The table given below gives links to some of the most commonly asked topics in the reasoning ability section for bank exams. Candidates can check these links to learn more about the various concepts:

Reasoning Puzzles Seating Arrangement
Blood Relations Direction Test
Machine Input and Output Order and Ranking

Important Tips To Score Well in Reasoning Section

Below are some important tips which are to be followed in order to get a high score in Reasoning section of bank exams:

  • The easy and the less time-consuming topics in the Reasoning part are odd pair, analogy, directions, alphabet series and number series. So try to solve the questions related to these topics first.
  • Another category of questions in the Reasoning part includes from syllogisms, inequalities, blood relations, coding-decoding and data sufficiency. Candidates who are not experts in solving the Reasoning section should be able to clear the above topics easily as these are simpler concepts. This is useful because you can score marks over the overall cutoff with these topics.
  • Seating arrangement, complex puzzles, input-output machine are very time-consuming and complex questions. The number of questions given from these topics are 10 to 15 and these questions are to be attempted at the end, this depends on how much time is left after completion of the entire bank exam question paper.
  • The last week before the bank exam is a crucial time to prepare for the bank examination. This week you should start solving the previous years’ bank exam question papers which are related to the Reasoning part.
  • Follow the above rules in solving the Reasoning section. If you follow these rules while solving the Reasoning section, you can easily clear the sectional cutoff and score well in this particular section.
  • If you are weak in Reasoning section, then start solving the reasoning questions category-wise. As given in the above points, solve the easy topics first, then move on to the time-consuming topics and finally solve the most typical topics.

Aspirants can also solve mock test series by BYJU’S to score well in the bank exams and also understand the standard of questions asked in the exam:

To learn more about Different Sections In Bank Exams, check at the linked article.

Also, candidates willing to apply for other Government exams, apart from banking sector exams, they can check the Preparation Strategy for Competitive Exams at the linked article.

Online Quiz 2022

In order to help you out in solving and to give the simple tricks to solve the reasoning section BYJU’S is providing the best study materials. You can download the banking exam preparation app like BYJU’S – The Learning App to explore various topics and get acquainted with innumerous video tutorials and concepts. Some of the important features of the banking exam preparation app which are more useful to you include:

  • The tablet learning program consists of video tutorials which are taught by the IIT professors.
  • These videos are less time-consuming and you can understand the concepts clearly within the very less time because the technology we use in making these videos are of 3D- animation and in air projection.
  • You can learn the concepts from any location across the globe, download them and watch these videos without using the internet.
  • After watching the videos there are some series of tests, previous years’ bank exam question papers, sample papers etc. to aid in your bank exam preparation and practice.

To learn the best Tips & Tricks to Minimize Negative Marking In Bank Exams, check at the linked article.

For more information regarding the tips and preparation strategies of bank exams, you can join BYJU’S Bank Exams Learning Program and learn more.


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  1. Great tips!! These tips are very helpful for every candidates to qualify the exam. The candidate must be aware about the tricks to manage their time for every particular section to attempt the questions at least once.
    Thank You!! Keep Posting!