APPSC Study Material - Group 1 Exam Preparation

The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission conducts various exams to recruit civil servants in the state administration.

The most prestigious APPSC exam is the Group 1 Service exam. The APPSC Group 1 Exam is conducted on similar lines as the IAS Exam. APPSC Group 1 2019 is ongoing where Mains Examination took place from 14th December 2020 onwards. To check the types of questions asked in the Mains 2019 examination, candidates can download the APPSC question papers PDF from the links given in this article below. 

Candidates preparing for Group 1 2020 and 2020 can find APPSC study material and booklist for preparation, on this page. Also, many aspirants prepare simultaneously for APPSC Group 1 and UPSC due to the similarities in the exam pattern and syllabus of both.

For reference, candidates can go through the links given below:

APPSC Group 1 IAS Exam
APPSC Group 1 Eligibility UPSC Eligibility Criteria
APPSC Group 1 Syllabus IAS Syllabus
APPSC Group 1 Exam Pattern UPSC Exam Pattern
APPSC Result UPSC Result

APPSC Books And Current Affairs

Toppers recommend studying the NCERT books and State board books as the first step towards civil service exam preparation.

The NCERTs and State Board Books are credible and lucid sources of exam relevant information.

Candidates should assess their understanding of basic concepts and read class 6- class 12th books.

For the ease of APPSC preparation, here you can find the subject-wise and class-wise segregation and pdf download links for NCERT books.

Once the basic concepts are firmly established, aspirants should make notes and align them with the APPSC and/or IAS syllabus.

Making notes is quite important as during revision, it is hard to read multiple books cover-to-cover.

At BYJU’S, you can download NCERT and classroom notes for APPSC preparation.

  1. NCERT Notes: Ancient Indian History Notes
  2. NCERT Notes: Medieval Indian History Notes
  3. NCERT Notes: Modern Indian History Notes
  4. NCERT Notes: Art And Culture
  5. NCERT Notes: Geography Notes
  6. BYJU’s classroom notes on Indian Economy
  7. BYJU’s classroom notes on Environment
  8. BYJU’s classroom notes on Indian Polity
  9. BYJU’s classroom notes on S&T

Apart from NCERT/State board books and notes, aspirants should read the standard reference books for UPSC preparation.

These books are also recommended for APPSC Preparation. A few of the important APPSC study material are:

  1. Indian Polity by Laxmikanth
  2. Geography – Majid Hussain
  3. History – Bipin Chandra
  4. Economy – Ramesh Singh

You can download the list of UPSC/APPSC books from the link below.

UPSC/APPSC Books:- Download PDF Here

Other important preparation resources are:

  1. The Hindu – Check BYJU’S Daily Video Analysis of The Hindu.
  2. The Indian Express
  3. Yojana Magazine
  4. Press Information Bureau – Get PIB Summary here
  5. Rajya Sabha TV
  6. Monthly Magazine
  7. Government Schemes
  8. Difference Between Articles

Aligning the Current Affairs part with specific parts of the syllabus is very important as the recent trends show that more questions in exams are based directly or indirectly on important regional, national, or international events.

The APPSC Group 1 Syllabus mentions Andhra Pradesh Economy and the reorganization. For that, aspirants should go through the state budget, national budget, Economic Survey, and the AP reorganization act, 2014.

APPSC General Studies Notes 

The preliminary examination has two papers while the mains examination has seven theory papers. As seen from the syllabus of the APPSC Group 1 examination; there are a few topics that overlap with the UPSC syllabus. Hence, we will list down such general topics that have been asked in the APPSC prelims examination before. Along with that, we will provide you with the related articles that you can read to prepare for the APPSC Prelims 2021-22 examination.

The broad topics that are covered at BYJU’s and are also asked in APPSC examination are:

  1. History
  2. Culture
  3. Indian Polity and International Relations
  4. Indian Economy
  5. Geography
  6. Science & Technology, and
  7. Current Affairs

Let’s see the topics from the past year questions asked in the APPSC prelims papers:

AP History Notes

In 2019 Prelims papers; the broad topics from which questions have appeared are listed below:

  1. Chalukya Dynasty
  2. Foreign Travellers of Ancient India
  3. Indian Temples
  4. Delhi Sultanate
  5. Sufi Saints
  6. First Round Table Conference
  7. Muhammad Ghori
  8. Third Battle of Panipat
  9. Governors-General of India
  10. Gupta Dynasty
  11. Vasco Da Gama
  12. Legislations in British India
  13. Historical Monuments of India
  14. Revolt of 1857
  15. Indian National Army
  16. Socio-Religious Reform Movements

The notes for the above-mentioned APPSC topics and also the expected topics in the APPSC Prelims 2020 from history and culture section are given in the table below:

Topics Covered in APPSC Previous Year Question Paper (Prelims 2019)

Related Topics expected in APPSC Prelims 2020-21

  1. Chalukya Dynasty
  2. Foreign Travellers who visited  Ancient India
  3. Indian Temples
  4. Delhi Sultanate
  5. Sufi Saints
  6. First Round Table Conference
  7. Muhammad Ghori
  8. Third Battle of Panipat
  9. Governors-General of India
  10. Gupta Dynasty
  11. Vasco Da Gama
  12. Legislations in British India
  13. Historical Monuments of India
  14. Revolt of 1857
  15. Indian National Army
  16. Socio-Religious Reform Movements
  1. Rashtrakuta Dynasty
  2. Temple Architecture in India
  3. Mughal Empire
  4. Bhakti Movement Saints
  5. Difference Between Bhakti & Sufi Movements
  6. Second Round Table Conference & Third Round Table Conference
  7. First Battle of Panipat
  8. List of Viceroys in India
  9. Mauryan Empire
  10. Regulating Act 1773
  11. East India Company
  12. Battle of Plassey
  13. Indian National Congress Sessions
  14. Peasant & Tribal Uprisings

AP Indian Polity Notes

In 2019 Prelims papers; the broad topics from which questions have appeared are listed below:

  1. Supreme Court of India
  2. Preamble
  3. Estimates Committee
  4. Secularism
  5. Habeas Corpus
  6. Directive Principles of State Policy
  7. Governor
  8. Union Council of Ministers
  9. Article 15
  10. Features of the Indian Constitution
  11. Powers of President
  12. Pardoning Powers of President
  13. Adjournment Motion
  14. 14th Finance Commission of India
  15. Constitutional Bodies of India
  16. State List

The notes for the above-mentioned APPSC topics and also the expected topics in the APPSC Prelims 2022 from history and culture section are given in the table below:

Topics Covered in APPSC Previous Year Question Paper (Prelims 2019) Related Topics expected in APPSC Prelims 2022
  1. Supreme Court of India
  2. Preamble
  3. Estimates Committee
  4. Secularism
  5. Habeas Corpus
  6. Directive Principles of State Policy
  7. Governor
  8. Union Council of Ministers
  9. Features of the Indian Constitution
  10. Powers of President
  11. Pardoning Powers of President
  12. Constitutional Bodies of India
  13. State List
  1. High Court of India
  2. Basic Structure Doctrine of the Indian Constitution
  3. Public Accounts Committee
  4. Communalism 
  5. Types of Writs
  6. Fundamental Rights
  7. State Council of Ministers
  8. Sources of Indian Constitution
  9. Pardoning Powers of Governor
  10. 15th Finance Commission of India
  11. Statutory & Quasi-Judicial Bodies

AP Indian Economy Notes

In 2019 Prelims papers; the broad topics from which questions have appeared are listed below:

  1. Sustainable Development
  2. Economic Growth
  3. Human Development Index (HDI)
  4. NITI Ayog
  5. Five Years Plan
  6. Food Security in India
  7. National Income
  8. Chronic Unemployment
  9. NSSO
  10. Special Economic Zone
  11. Millenium Development Goals (MDGs)
  12. Mission Indradhanush
  13. One Nation One Scheme
  14. Treasury Bills
  15. Basel III Norms
  16. National Rural Livelihood Mission

The notes for the above-mentioned APPSC topics and also the expected topics in the APPSC Prelims 2022 from history and culture section are given in the table below:

Topics Covered in APPSC Previous Year Question Paper (Prelims 2019) Related Topics expected in APPSC Prelims 2022
  1. Sustainable Development
  2. Economic Growth
  3. NITI Ayog
  4. Five Years Plan
  5. Food Security in India
  6. National Income
  7. Chronic Unemployment
  8. NSSO
  9. Special Economic Zone
  10. Millenium Development Goals (MDGs)
  11. Mission Indradhanush
  12. Treasury Bills
  13. Basel III Norms
  14. National Rural Livelihood Mission
  1. GDP
  2. Demonetisation
  3. Economic survey
  4. Union Budget

AP Geography Notes

In 2019 Prelims papers; the broad topics from which questions have appeared are listed below:

  1. Motion of the Earth
  2. National Parks
  3. Volcanic Mountain
  4. Erosional Landforms
  5. Composition of the Atmosphere
  6. Latitudes and Longitudes
  7. Pressure Belts of Earth
  8. Ocean Currents
  9. Important Rivers
  10. Dams of India
  11. El-Nino
  12. Mountains

The notes for the above-mentioned APPSC topics and also the expected topics in the APPSC Prelims 2022 from history and culture section are given in the table below:

Important Geography Notes for APPSC Group 1
  1. Motions of the Earth
  2. National Parks
  3. Volcanoes
  4. Erosional Landforms
  5. Composition of the Atmosphere
  6. Latitudes and Longitudes
  7. Pressure Belts of Earth
  8. Important Rivers
  9. Dams of India
  10. El-Nino
  11. Mountains

APPSC Group 1 Previous Papers

APPSC Group 1 Mains Question Paper 2019

APPSC Question Papers Download PDF
Telugu Download PDF
English Download PDF
Paper-I General Essay Download PDF
Paper-II History & Cultural Geography of India and Andhra Pradesh Download PDF
Paper-III Polity, Constitution, Governance, Law and Ethics Unavailable
Paper-IV Economy and Development of India and Andhra Pradesh Download PDF
Paper-V Science, Technology and Environmental Issues Download PDF

To round up your preparation, candidates should make it a point to devote time for:

  1. Going through the previous years’ exam papers.
  2. MCQ solving practice for Prelims – Check out this weekly Current Affairs quiz.
  3. Practise writing answers for Mains.

To be updated about the Latest Notifications of Government Exams, check the linked article.

Aspirants preparing for multiple state examinations can go through preparation articles for important PSC exams below:

UPPSC PCS Examination MPSC Preparation
TNPSC Group 1 Preparation KPSC KAS Preparation
BPSC Preparation WBCS Exam Preparation
JPSC Preparation GPSC Preparation
MPPSC Preparation


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  1. Suggest any top books for group1???