BPSC Exam Pattern - Combined Competitive Exam 2020 (Prelims, Mains, Interview)

The Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) conducts recruitment exams to fill up vacancies in the state administration. The BPSC Exam Pattern of the respective exams can be found on the official website and in the notification/advertisement.

In this article, you can find the updated and detailed exam pattern of the BPSC Combined Competitive Exam.

As per the BPSC Exam Pattern, there will be the following three stages in the 67th Combined Competitive Exam:

  1. Prelims
  2. Mains
  3. Interview
BPSC Prelims BPSC Mains BPSC Interview
  • One Paper
  • 150 marks
  • 2 hours
  • Objective Type
  • Offline (Pen-Paper)
  • 4 papers
  • One qualifying paper (Hindi) + 3 merit ranking papers
  • 900 marks (300*3)
  • 3 hours for each paper
  • Subjective Type
  • Offline (Pen-Paper)
  • 120 marks
  • Merit list based on marks in Mains + Interview

The exam pattern of state service exams is modelled on the IAS Exam (conducted by the Union Public Service Commission).

The candidates can know about the BPSC Mains Exam Pattern in detail from the below table. Knowing the exam pattern of the exam is the first step of any preparation.

BPSC Mains Exam Pattern
Type of the Exam Subjective; Offline
Paper Marks Allotted Duration of the Exam
General Hindi (Qualifying) 100 3 Hours
General Studies Paper 1 300 3 Hours
General Studies Paper 2 300 3 Hours
Optional Paper 300 3 Hours


The BPSC Admit Card for the examination will be out almost three weeks prior to the date of the examination. It is important for the candidates to keep a check on the release of the admit card as it is a hall ticket to be carried to the examination centre. Candidates can get all related details about BPSC Admit Card in the linked article.

The detailed exam pattern of Bihar PSC is given below.

BPSC Exam Pattern

The salient aspects of the BPSC exam pattern are:

  1. The first stage i.e. Prelims is a screening test
  2. Candidates have to apply online before the last date given in the notification
  3. The Prelims exam comprises one paper (General Studies)
  4. The BPSC Prelims is for a total of 150 marks and the exam duration is 2 hours.
  5. As per the exam pattern, all questions in Prelims will be of objective type(MCQs)
  6. There is no negative marking in BPSC Prelims
  7. The Prelims Syllabus contains the following topics:
    1. General Science
    2. Events of national and international importance
    3. History of Bihar and Indian History
    4. Geography
    5. Geography of Bihar
    6. Indian Polity and Economy
    7. Changes in the economy of Bihar post-independence
    8. Indian National Movement and Role of Bihar
    9. General Mental Ability

BPSC Syllabus:- Download PDF Here

Quick Facts about BPSC Prelims

    1. The minimum qualifying marks in Prelims are:
      1. General Category – 40%
      2. BC – 36.5%
      3. OBC – 34%
      4. Women/SC/ST/PwD – 32%
    2. Among the candidates who score above the minimum qualifying marks, the final list of candidates selected for BPSC Mains will be prepared based on the number of vacancies
    3. After the Prelims Result is declared, the selected candidates have to fill and submit the application form for BPSC Mains.
    4. Candidates can check the BPSC results in detail in the linked article.
    5. As per the exam pattern of BPSC Mains, there are four exam papers:
      1. General Hindi – 100 marks (Minimum qualifying marks – 30 marks)
      2. General Studies Paper 1 – 300 marks
      3. General Studies Paper 2 – 300 marks
      4. One Optional Subject – 300 marks

Candidates can also go through the complete IAS Syllabus and prepare an integrated preparation strategy.

BPSC Optional Subjects

Candidates have to select one of the following 34 optional subjects:

Agriculture Statistics Hindi Language and Literature Persian Language and Literature
Arabic Language and Literature Pali Language and Literature Maithili Language and Literature Chemistry
Sociology Physics English Language and Literature Urdu Language and Literature
Botany Bangla Language and Literature Sanskrit Language and Literature Zoology
Philosophy Political Science and International Relations Psychology Public Administration
Labour and Social Welfare Management Mathematics Mechanical Engineering
Geography Geology History Law
Civil Engineering Economics Commerce and Accountancy Electrical Engineering
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Anthropology

Check the success rates of different optional subjects in UPSC Mains.

Quick Facts about BPSC Mains

  1. The duration of each paper in Mains will be of 3 hrs
  2. The questions in the Mains exam will be of descriptive-essay type
  3. Candidates can write the answers in one of the following languages depending on the stated preference in the application:
    1. Hindi
    2. Urdu
    3. English
  4. The minimum qualifying marks in BPSC Mains are:
    1. General Category – 40%
    2. BC – 36.5%
    3. OBC – 34%
    4. Women/SC/ST/PwD – 32%
  5. Candidates who clear the Mains stage will be called for an interview. As per the BPSC Exam Pattern, the interview will be of 120 marks
  6. The final merit list will be made based on the candidates’ marks in Mains and Interview
  7. For more information on BPSC, check the links given below:
    1. BPSC Eligibility Criteria
    2. BPSC Study Material
    3. BPSC Notification 
    4. BPSC Exam Dates

Related Links:

Government Exams Public Service Commission (PSC) Exams 2022
Government Schemes in India Latest Notifications of Government Exams


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  1. Please give updates for bpsc exam

  2. sir good eveninig sir mera name ram vinay kumar hai mai bpsc exam dena chata hu to sir kuch quarries karna tha jaise exam dene ka age limit or qualification or mai delhi se hu to bihar se is exam ko de sakta hu to sir so please tell me