GPSC 2020 Preparation

The Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) conducts recruitment exams for various posts in the state administration.

Find the application process, GPSC Exam Calendar 2022, and more at our GPSC exam post.

In this article, we will provide free study materials to crack the GPSC 2022 State Service Exam preparation including the list of the best books, NCERT Notes, and current affairs.

These resources will be especially helpful for those candidates who are simultaneously preparing for the GPSC Exam and the UPSC IAS Exam.

Daily News

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts recruitment exams on the pan-India level. The different state service commissions have modelled their exam pattern and syllabus on the lines of the UPSC Civil Services Exam.

Common Aspects of GPSC preparation and to Crack GPSC

  1. Current affairs preparation is important.
  2. NCERT books are an initial resource.
  3. Standard reference books such as Laxmikanth’s Polity, Bipin Chandra for History etc.

Candidates should note that for any state service exam, preparation on different subjects/topics (Current affairs, History, Polity, Geography etc) should be done keeping the state in focus.

For example, if a candidate is preparing for the GPSC Exam 2022, then the aspiring candidate needs to go through Gujarat-specific Current Affairs, History, Geography etc as well.

First and foremost an aspiring candidate must be well versed with the GPSC Syllabus (Prelims and Mains) and Exam pattern.

GPSC Study Material

The study material for GPSC preparation comprises:

  1. GPSC Exam Books in Gujarati (State Board and reference books)
  2. Books in English
  3. Current Affairs – Kurukshetra Magazine, Yojana Magazine, The Hindu, Press Information Bureau (PIB)
  4. NCERT Books and Notes.

Online preparation for GPSC is possible as most resources are available online.

Before starting the preparation, candidates should once read the GPSC eligibility criteria in the linked article.

The books best aligned to GPSC Syllabus are given below:

GPSC Books

The best books to crack GPSC

  1. Gujarat History – Gujaratno Itihas (In Gujarati) by Ajay Patel, Hiren Kakdiya, Sanjay Paghdal
  2. Modern History – Bipan Chandra
  3. Geography – Majid Hussain
  4. Economy – Ramesh Singh
  5. Indian Polity – Laxmikanth
  6. India Year Book

Candidates can download the NCERT books from the linked article.

Apart from the above books, aspiring GPSC candidates are advised to read NCERT books and other important notes:

  1. NCERT Notes: Ancient Indian History Notes
  2. NCERT Notes: Medieval Indian History Notes
  3. NCERT Notes: Modern Indian History Notes
  4. NCERT Notes: Art and Culture
  5. NCERT Notes: Geography Notes
  6. Difference Between Articles

For current affairs, it is highly recommended that candidates read The Hindu newspaper every day without fail. Here you can find Daily Video Analysis of the Hindu.

Apart from The Hindu, please find below other highly reliable sources for GPSC current affairs preparation.

  1. Press Information Bureau – Find PIB Summary here.
  2. Rajya Sabha TV – Find Gist of RSTV here.
  3. Yojana Magazine – Get Gist of Yojana Magazine here.
  4. Daily News Analysis

Currently, the GPSC 2021 and 2020 recruitment process is taking place. The GPSC results for Mains 2020-21 have been released and the final results are awaited.

GPSC notification 2022 has been released by the commission details of which can be found in the linked article.

GPSC Material

Before GPSC announces the next prelims and mains, the candidates who haven’t started preparing and those who want to revise, both can use the GPSC material that we are providing below. The BYJU’S classroom notes are prepared for the UPSC examination but as the syllabus of state public service commission examinations overlaps with the UPSC syllabus to some extent (except state-specific topics,) these notes can be used by the GPSC aspirants to prepare in a holistic manner.

We will list down the important topics from where questions have been asked in both prelims and mains examinations in the previous question papers. Relevant notes are linked and expected topics are also given.

GPSC Prelims Study Material

#History Notes:

History is an important subject both in GPSC and IAS exams. It is divided into three- ancient, medieval and modern for simplification. Just like UPSC has mentioned the topics, GPSC too has mentioned similar history topics with few exceptions in relation to the state history. Prelims paper 1 of GPSC has history, constitution, mental ability and cultural heritage. Let’s see some important topics that an aspirant can read for GPSC History w.r.t the syllabus, below:

  • Indus Valley Civilization – Questions can be asked from its sites, architecture, urban planning and society. Hence, an aspirant should read about it thoroughly. The below links can help aspirants learn about it in a holistic manner:
Harappan Civilization 100 Important Facts about Indus Valley Civilization
  • Vedic Age – It is important to know about Rig Vedic era and types of Vedas. The below links can help aspirants learn about it in a holistic manner:
Vedic Civilization
Difference Between Early Vedic Period & Later Vedic Period
Types of Vedas
  • Mauryan and Guptan Empire – Questions from the administration, society and architecture are often asked. Read from below links:
Maurya Empire Gupta Empire
  • Delhi Sultanate, Vijaynagar Empire & Mughal Empire – These three are very important topics from Medieval India and Early Modern India. Read about these from the links provided below:
Delhi Sultanate
Vijayanagar Empire
Mughal Empire
  • Bhakti Movement & Sufism – Questions from bhakti saints, teachings of Sufi saints can be asked. Factual questions considering the names of Sufi saint or bhakti saint for specific teaching or group too can be asked. Read about these from the links mentioned below:
Bhakti Movement Sufism
  • European Trading Companies Struggle for Supremacy – topics like Carnatic wars, EIC and battles are important.
First Carnatic War Second Carnatic War
Third Carnatic War British EIC
  • Governors-General & Viceroys – Candidates should know the names of all of the governors-general and viceroys as factual questions can be asked from this topic:
Governors-General of India
Viceroys of India
  • Social Religious Movements – There are many movements and aspirants should know the important ones for the exam:
  • India’s Freedom Struggles – Indians led many movements against British rule. Read about some of the important ones from the links below:
Salt Satyagraha
Quit India Movement

#Indian Polity Notes 

Indian Polity is an important subject both in GPSC and IAS exams. Constitution, Governance make important topics. Just like UPSC has mentioned the topics, GPSC too has mentioned a few similar Indian Polity topics with some exceptions in relation to the state polity. Prelims paper 1 of GPSC has Polity, history, constitution, mental ability and cultural heritage. Let’s see some important topics that an aspirant can read for GPSC Polity w.r.t the syllabus, below:

  • Indian Constitution  – It is a very important topic. Questions on Preamble, articles, amendments, schedules can be asked. Learn about these topics below:
Indian Constitution
Articles of Indian Constitution
Amendments in Indian Constitution
  • Fundamental rights – There are six rights. Aspirants should learn all the six rights from the linked article.
  • Fundamental Duties – Questions come from the types of fundamental duties, the addition of these through amendments etc. Read about all those in the linked article.
  • Directive Principles of State Policies – Just like fundamental duties, DPSPs are also important as factual questions can be asked from these.
  • Federalism – Features of the federal character of the Constitution can be asked.
  • Panchayati Raj – 73rd and 74th amendments to the constitution are very important. Factual questions can be asked from the organization, structure, powers, etc of the panchayat raj.
  • Constitutional Bodies – There are statutory, quasi-judicial and non-statutory types of bodies. Some of these bodies are very important for the examination.
  • Government Welfare Schemes – Indian and state government take the initiative to bring
  • Indian Judiciary – Supreme Court, High Court are important topics for the examination. Questions from the judges, term, power, functions, related articles can be asked in the exam. Read relevant topics below:
Supreme Court of India
Indian Judiciary
High Courts in India

#General Mental Ability 

Questions under this section are related to topics that are also mentioned in UPSC CSAT syllabus. BYJU’S classroom notes on a few important general mental ability topics are linked below:

  1. Logical Reasoning
  2. Number Series
  3. Data Interpretation
  4. Speed, Time & Distance

#Indian Economy

Indian Economy topics in GPSC Paper 2 (Prelims) overlap with GS 3 of UPSC Mains to some extent. This subject is one such that gives candidates from non-economics background nightmares. However, an aspirant should understand that the questions that are asked from topics under it are of generalized form. The questions that are asked put your common knowledge on Indian Economics on the test. Yes, the candidates should know that unlike IAS exam, here in MPPSC state service exam, few factual questions can be asked too. For that, one should be clear about the basic concepts like GDP, GNP, PCI. Topics that repeatedly can be seen in the news like- Repo Rate, MCLR, CRR, Unemployment, Recession, Rupee Depreciation/Appreciation etc. should be given importance to.

A few important topics that aspirants can read about from BYJU’S classroom notes are mentioned in the table below:

Cashless Economy Principles of India’s Foreign Policy
Electoral Bonds Census 2011 Facts
Participatory Notes (P-Notes) Banks Board Bureau (BBB)
Industrial Policy Economic Planning
GDP National Income
Agriculture Produce Market Committee Crop Diversification


Some topics under GPSC geography are general topics that can be covered with a basic reference book. Also, aspirants can read the following articles below:


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  1. Sir Please Suggest me The Book list For the Upsc and Gpsc