UPSC Mechanical Engineering Syllabus - Download Mechanical Engineering Syllabus For IAS Exam

The 48 subjects which make up the list of optional subjects in UPSC mains have Mechanical Engineering as a part of the list. The Mechanical Engineering syllabus for IAS Exam tests the candidates’ understanding of the elements of mechanical engineering and their applications. The topics included in this subject are related to mechanics, manufacturing, thermodynamics, refrigeration and air conditioning along with their applications.

For details on similar optional subjects syllabus, check the linked article.

UPSC Mechanical Engineering Syllabus PDF:-Download Syllabus PDF

In this article, we provide you with the detailed UPSC Mechanical Engineering optional syllabus and also the UPSC Mechanical Engineering Syllabus PDF.

Mechanical Engineering Syllabus For UPSC

Mechanical Engineering Optional Subject has 2 papers (Paper I and Paper II) in UPSC Mains. Each paper is of 250 marks with a total of 500 marks.

IAS Mechanical Engineering syllabus of UPSC Mains is given below:

Mechanical Engineering Optional Paper I syllabus:

UPSC Mechanical Engineering Optional Syllabus- Mechanical Engineering Syllabus Paper-I- 1

UPSC Mechanical Engineering Optional Syllabus- Mechanical Engineering Syllabus Paper-I- 2

Candidates targeting UPSC 2022 may check the linked article.

Mechanical Engineering Optional Paper II syllabus:

UPSC Mechanical Engineering Optional Syllabus- Mechanical Engineering Syllabus Paper-II- 1

UPSC Mechanical Engineering Optional Syllabus- Mechanical Engineering Syllabus Paper-II- 2

Candidates’ who have studied mechanical, civil or electrical engineering in their undergraduate degree or who work as mechanical engineers, civil engineers, project managers and manufacturing technologists can choose this optional.

For the syllabus of other optional subjects, refer to the UPSC CSE Notification given in the linked article.

For more articles related to UPSC Mechanical Engineering Optional and also IAS Exam, aspirants may check the table below:

For UPSC Mechanical Engineering Subject For UPSC IAS Exam
Important Books of Mechanical Engineering NCERT Notes for UPSC
How to Prepare for IAS While Doing Engineering NCERT books for UPSC
Pros and Cons Of Mechanical Engineering Optional Current Affairs for UPSC
Tips for Engineering Students to Prepare for IAS Exam UPSC Calendar 2022


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  1. I am working for Indian air force. and I am a mechanical engineer. I want to know that I am eligible to prepare this exam.
    plz reply

  2. I am currently pursuing my 4th year of graduation, am I eligible?

    • Hi Hemanth
      Final year students can sit for UPSC Exam. Make sure, before UPSC Mains of the year in which you are taking the exam, your final year result is declared. Candidates who clear prelims exam are required to submit copies of their mark sheet along with Mains application. Please check UPSC Eligibility Criteria in the linked article.

  3. i am currently pursuing final mechanical engineering and really interested in becoming IAS offficer in future ,but im little bit confused in selecting optional subject . which subject is better to fetch the good marks .

  4. I am studying mechanical engineering first year
    Please give few tips how i want to prepare
    For IAS
    And procedure of the examination