IAS Salary - IAS Officer Salary Structure

In this article, we have discussed in-depth the IAS salary in India and also the pay scale/salary structure of IAS officers after the 7th Pay Commission recommendation.

The basic per month salary of an IAS officer starts at Rs.56,100 (TA, DA, and HRA are extra) and can go on to reach Rs. 2,50,000 for a Cabinet Secretary.

A career in the Indian Administrative Service is one of the most sought-after professions in India. Every year, lakhs of people take the UPSC Civil Services Exam but only a handful clear the exam, and an even smaller number cut Indian Administrative Service officers.

There are a lot of things that attract youngsters in the country towards a life in the civil service. Apart from the pride and honour that comes with being a career civil servant or diplomat, the IAS salary and benefits that come along with the responsibilities and powers are also a factor.

Intrigued by the idea of becoming an IAS officer and serving your country? Download the complete book list for IAS preparation.
IAS Books List PDF: –Download PDF Here

Candidates can check the Salary pages of other competitive exams in the pages linked in the table below:

IPS Salary IFS Salary SBI Clerk Salary
SBI PO Salary Bank Employees Salary IBPS SO Salary
SBI SO Salary IBPS RRB Salary IBPS PO Salary
RBI Grade B Salary RBI Assistant Salary SSC CGL Salary
CDS Salary NDA Salary RRB NTPC Salary
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Read on for the new IAS Salary structure and comparison with the 6th Pay Commission.

IAS Salary

IAS Officer Salary – 7th Pay Commission

The new pay structure has dispensed with the system of ‘Pay Grades for Civil Services’ and introduced ‘Consolidated Pay Levels’ in the 7th Central Pay Commission. Now the IAS pay scale is decided only on the ‘Basic Pay’ along with TA, DA, and HRA.

IAS Salary in India:

Salary of IAS Officer
Pay Level Basic Pay(INR) Number of years required in service Post
District Administration State Secretariat Central Secretariat
10 56100 1-4 Sub-Divisional Magistrate Undersecretary Assistant Secretary
11 67,700 5-8 Additional District Magistrate Deputy Secretary Undersecretary
12 78,800 9-12 District Magistrate Joint Secretary Deputy Secretary
13 1,18,500 13-16 District Magistrate Special Secretary-cum-Director Director
14 1,44,200 16-24 Divisional Commissioner Secretary-cum-Commissioner Joint Secretary
15 1,82,200 25-30 Divisional Commissioner Principal Secretary Additional Secretary
16 2,05,400 30-33 No Equivalent Rank Additional Chief Secretary No Equivalent Rank
17 2,25,000 34-36 No Equivalent Rank Chief Secretary Secretary
18 2,50,000 37+ years No Equivalent Rank No Equivalent Rank Cabinet Secretary of India

One of the key factors that attract candidates to apply for the UPSC Exam is the pay scale offered for the various posts. The salaries of all IAS officers start at the same level and then increase with their tenure and promotions.

The next table answers the question that what is the salary of an IAS officer per month at the entry-level and the monthly salary of an IAS officer at the apex level:

Level Basic Pay Total IAS Salary
Entry-level (starting salary) 56100 56100 – 132000
Maximum Pay (cabinet secretary level) 250000 250000

The old pay structure according to the 6th Central Pay Commission was as follows:

Grade Pay Scale Grade Pay of IAS officer Number of years required in service Post
Junior or Lower Time Scale 15600 – 39100 5400 Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM), SDO, or Sub-Collector (after 2 years of probation)
Senior Time Scale 15600 – 39100 6600 5 District Magistrate (DM) or Collector or a Joint Secretary of a Government Ministry
Junior Administrative 15600 – 39100 7600 9 Special Secretary or the Head of Various Government Departments
Selection Grade 37400 – 67000 8700 12 – 15 Secretary to a Ministry
Super Time Scale 37400 – 67000 8700 17 – 20 Principal Secretary of a Very Important Department of the Government
Above Super Time Scale 37400 – 67000 12000 Varies Varies
Apex Scale 80000 (Fixed) NA Varies Chief Secretary of States, Union Secretaries in charge of various ministries of Government of India
Cabinet Secretary Grade 90000 (Fixed) NA Varies Cabinet Secretary of India

There is a difference in the grade of pay of IAS officers from junior grade to above super time scale. At the Cabinet Secretary level, it is fixed. The Dearness Allowance (DA) for IAS officers is revised on a half-yearly basis depending on the inflation index. DA for IAS officers increases each year.

IAS Salary – Perks & Other Benefits

As discussed above, the IAS Salary is divided into different grades, the final salary is based on the grade in which the Officer is employed. This salary includes basic pay, grade pay and other perks and allowances which an IAS Officer can enjoy. Few of which have been discussed in brief below:

  • Dearness Allowance (DA) – It is an extremely important part of the salary of an IAS officer as it is increased by the Government at regular intervals. It has even increased up to 103% of the basic pay. Thus, DA can directly increase the IAS Salary
  • House Rent Allowance (HRA) – It ranges from city to city. HRA is given based on the city where the IAS Officer is posted. It generally ranges between 8% to 24% of the basic pay
  • Medical Allowance – The IAS Salary also includes medical allowance which an employee can get reimbursed in case of a medical treatment

Other benefits and allowances include transport allowance, house help benefits, mobile bills, travel expenses, pension and retirement benefits.

Youngsters should remember that the IAS pay scale in India should not be the only criterion for them to join the services. The civil service is an opportunity to serve the nation and make a positive impact on the lives of the people of the country. Your chief motivation should be the desire to work for the country and make life better for many people.

Now that you know the details about the IAS officer salary per month, it is time to gear up and start your UPSC Exam Preparation. Download the IAS Syllabus from the linked article now to drive your preparation in the right direction. For more, check the links below:

Frequently Asked Questions on IAS Salary


What is the salary of an IAS officer?

The basic salary of an IAS officer is Rs 56,100 as per 7th Pay Commission. In addition to the salary, an IAS officer is also given several other allowances, including Travel Allowance and Dearness Allowance. The basic per month salary of an IAS officer can go on to reach Rs. 2,50,000 for a Cabinet Secretary.

What is IAS take home salary?

The basic salary of an IAS officer varies by the number of years of his/her service. The total salary of entry-level IAS officers would be Rs 56100 + DA + House Rent Allowance + Transport Allowance.

Is IAS exam difficult?

The success rate is exceptionally low for the IAS exam. Around a thousand candidates will be selected to fill the job vacancies among approximately 10 lakh aspirants. The examination pattern of UPSC-CSE ensures that the candidate possesses all the required qualities to become a civil servant. With Hard work, planning, practice, patience, perseverance and dedication, IAS Exam is not difficult to crack.

Do IAS officers get a salary during training?

Yes, IAS officers get a stipend/salary during their training at the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA)

⇒ Check: IAS Training and Bharat Darshan
During the training period at the Academy, they get paid around Rs. 55,000/-. This is further reduced due to the mess bills, payments for LBSNAA apparels and uniforms, and other activities. After deducting all the expenditures, IAS trainee salary is around Rs. 40,000 per month.


What are the powers of an IAS officer?

An Indian Administrative Service officer can be a part of the State Cadre or even the Centre Deputation. At the state level, the district administrative machinery is under the control of the IAS officer in the early years of his/her career. With time and good performance, IAS officers can represent India abroad, become head of PSUs, and become the Cabinet Secretary.
To know more about the powers of an IAS officer, read the linked article: Facilities Provided to an IAS Officer – Salary, Benefits and Powers


Is the IAS Officer Salary more than the IPS Officer Salary?

The basic IAS Salary begins at Rs. 56,100, exclusive of HRA, DA and other perks. It can go on to reach Rs. 2,50,000 for a Cabinet Secretary. The IPS Salary varies from 56,100 INR per month to as high as 2,25,000 INR per month upon attaining the post of the Director-General of Police (DGP). To know the detailed Difference between IPS and IAS Salary, visit the linked article.


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  1. Nice job. I trust your department.?

  2. For IAS Main exam: do we have to write 9 papers?

  3. What must we do after 9th for being an IAS

    • Hi Kanika
      It is good to know about your interest in UPSC IAS Exam. Since, UPSC requires a Bachelor’s Degree in any course, you are advised to get a good score in high school and undergraduate degree. For your interest, you can get information on UPSC Exam from the below links:
      1. IAS Exam
      2. UPSC Syllabus

  4. If a student is studying final year in degree is he eliglibe for writing upsc exam

  5. How many times can we attempt for UPSC examination

  6. which course chosse after 12th to become ias officer

  7. Can bsc graduate crack UPSC??

  8. Hello,
    I wanted to know if one can make it through the UPSC prelims exam with only 8 months of preparation, along with a Full Time job??

  9. Hi,
    Iam an 8th standard student and I want to be a IAS officer. How can I prepare for the exam now?

    • Hi Sivani
      It is good to hear about your aspirations. You need to focus on school NCERTs for UPSC too. Hence, focus on NCERT notes preparation. You have ample amount of time to sit for UPSC hence, train yourself gradually with current affairs and NCERTs.

  10. Hello,
    I have completed 12th now, and my dream is to become an IAS officer. How can I crack the examination ?

  11. Can i take my optional paper as electrical engineering even if i am a BA graduate??

  12. Hi,
    I am currently studying in class 12, I want to be an IAS officer. How can I prepare for the UPSC exam? please suggest me something .

  13. can bachelors of arts student apply for ias exam

  14. What are the most preferred courses or degree to do after 12th if one wants to become an IAS officer later?

    • The IAS Toppers have come from different fields. One can go for BA (English, Sociology, Political Science, Geography) or can also go for B.Tech.