Kerala PSC KAS Eligibility

Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) conducts the Kerala Administrative Service (KAS) exam for the posts of KAS Officer (Junior Time Scale) Trainee STREAM-1, STREAM-2 and STREAM-3. This article will mention the complete eligibility criteria for the Kerala PSC KAS Exam 2022.

Kerela PSC 2021-22 notification is yet to be published. The eligibility criteria remain unchanged almost every year. Any changes related to the same will be notified once official notice is issued on the official website.

Aspirants should know that KPSC KAS also stands for Karnataka Public Service Commission – Karnataka Administrative Service. Aspirants looking for information on Karnataka Administrative Service may check the links given below:

Karnataka Public Service Commission – Karnataka Administrative Service
KPSC KAS Recruitment

KPSC KAS Syllabus

KPSC KAS Eligibility

KPSC KAS Preparation

KPSC KAS Exam Pattern

KPSC KAS Previous Year Question Papers

What is the eligibility criteria for the Kerala PSC KAS exam?

There are two criteria for the KPSC KAS exam:

  1. Kerala PSC Academic Qualification
  2. Kerala PSC Age Limit

Aspirants should read about the Kerala PSC KAS Eligibility in the table below:

Kerala PSC Eligibility
KAS Exam – Academic Qualification
For posts:
  1. Stream-1 Post
  2. Stream-2 Post
  3. Stream-3 Post
Bachelor Degree including a professional course in any subject from a University recognized by a University established by Kerala Government or UGC or awarded by National Institutes established by the Government of India
Kerala PSC – Age Limit
Stream-1 Post Minimum Age – 21

Maximum Age – 32

(Candidates who have born in between 02.01.1987 and 01.01.1998)

Stream-2 Post Minimum Age – 21

Maximum Age – 40

(Candidates who have born in between 02.01.1979 and 01.01.1998)

Stream-3 Post Must not have completed 50 years of age on the 1st January of the exam year

Aspirants may also check the eligibility criteria for the UPSC Civil Services Exam in the linked article.

Also, refer Kerala PSC KAS Syllabus for the detailed information on the three stages of the examination.

Download the official Kerala PSC notification for KAS exam for quick reference as the Kerela PSC notification 2020 is yet to be published.

Kerala PSC KAS Notification 2019:- Download PDF Here

Kerala PSC KAS – Age Relaxation

The conditions for the age relaxation for the Kerala Administrative Exam are given below:

Kerala PSC KAS Age Relaxation
OBC 3 years
SC & ST 5 years
Widow 5 years
Differently-abled (vision, hearing, speech) 15 years
Orthopaedically differently-abled 10 years
Ex-Servicemen Maximum age limit will be relaxed to the extent of the period of service put in by them in the Defence Forces and the period of unemployment on discharge up to a maximum of five years

A candidate can sit for the exam after securing himself/herself a Kerala PSC KAS Admit Card. The details regarding the KPSC KAS hall ticket can be checked in the linked article. Kerala PSC KAS Eligibility - Age Relaxation 1

Kerala PSC KAS Age Relaxation (General Conditions):- Download PDF Here

Academic Qualification Criteria for Kerala PSC KAS Exam

Check below the criteria to sit for the PSC exam:

Kerala PSC KAS Eligibility - Academic Qualification - Stream-1 Post

Kerala PSC KAS Eligibility - Academic Qualification - Stream-2 Post

Candidates can check the Kerala PSC KAS Preparation in the linked article to align their preparation accordingly.

Kerala PSC KAS Eligibility - Academic Qualification - Stream-3 Post

The commission, in the Kerala PSC KAS Notification 2019, has mentioned that a Medical Fitness Certificate from a Medical Officer (not below the rank of an Assistant Surgeon) is a must-produce by the candidates applying for the post of KAS Officer (Junior Time Scale)Trainee.

The Public Service Commission exams often overlap with civil services examination and candidates can check the similar state exams in the linked article.


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  1. I’m from Bihar. Can I apply ? Would I get the benefit of being a SC candidate ?

    • Hi
      You can apply if you are proficient in Kannada, Tamil or Malayalam languages, as Paper-II of Prelims has a section on language proficiency for 30 marks.

  2. Hi
    Iam a LP scholl Headmistress having PG degree and 46 years old now. Am I eligible for KAS?

  3. Is reading, writing proficiency in malayalam language required for appearing for kas exam ,

    • Hi
      Language proficiency is tested in both English and one of the three languages (Malayalam, Kannada or Tamil) in paper-II of Kerala PSC KAS Prelims.