MPSC Syllabus 2020 - Prelims And Mains MPSC Exam Pattern

Maharashtra Public Service Commission conducts State Service Examination, also called, Maharashtra Rajyaseva Pariksha. Get the latest updates about MPSC Syllabus and Exam Pattern below:

Changes in MPSC Syllabus

In a recent notification, MPSC has announced the revision of MPSC Mains Syllabus. The revision has been made in the General Studies Paper I-IV. No changes have been made to Paper  1 (Marathi & English – Essay/Translation) and Paper 2 (Marathi & English – Grammar/Comprehension).  Candidates can check the revised syllabus for MPSC Rajyaseva Exam (Mains) in this article below.

Changes in MPSC Exam Pattern

The Commission has made the changes in the exam pattern w.r.t to the negative marking in the Objective Type Question Papers. Against 1/3rd negative marking which was earlier allotted to every incorrect answer, the commission now has allowed a negative marking of 25% or 1/4 of the total marks, for every wrong answer.

In this article, you can get the latest MPSC State Service Syllabus and the exam pattern.

Aspirants can get other relevant information like the release date of admit card, recruitment details, and the latest results from the linked articles below:

MPSC Admit Card
MPSC Notification
MPSC Results
MPSC Preparation

MPSC Exam Pattern

Like the UPSC civil services exam, the MPSC state services exam is also conducted in three stages:

  1. Prelims
  2. Mains
  3. Interview

A candidate has to clear one stage in order to be eligible for the subsequent stage, i.e, if he/she clears the prelims, he/she moves onto the mains, clearing which he/she would be summoned for the final stage (interview) of the MPSC exam.

Check the MPSC exam eligibility here.

Stage 1: MPSC Preliminary Exam

This exam consists of two papers, both of which are objective in nature. Take a look at the following table for the details of the prelims exam. Please note that both papers are compulsory.

Paper No. No. of Questions Total Marks Standard Medium Duration Nature of Paper
Paper I 100 200 Degree English & Marathi 2 hours Objective
Paper II 80 200 Mix of Degree and School (depends on topic – refer below) English & Marathi 2 hours Objective
  • Candidates should note that there is negative marking for incorrect answers.
  • For every incorrect answer, the candidate will be penalised 1/4 of the marks allocated to that question.
  • For every question where a candidate has given two options as answers, he/she will be attracting a negative marking of 25 per cent of the total marks assigned to that question.
  • The questions on decision making (Paper-II) do not attract negative marks***************** if incorrectly answered. These generally comprise question numbers from 74 to 80 in Paper-II.
  • In MPSC, both Paper I and II are counted for the merit ranking for qualifying for the MPSC mains.

Important: In the IAS exam, the UPSC CSAT paper in Prelims is just a qualifying paper (33% qualifying criteria)

  • The prelims marks are not counted for the final merit list.
  • All the questions are set in English and Marathi except for those questions which are meant to test the candidate’s knowledge of English.

MPSC Prelims Syllabus (English):-Download PDF Here

Stage 2: MPSC Mains Exam

As of 9th July 2020, the General Studies syllabus of MPSC Mains has been revised. Check the notice below:MPSC Syllabus 2020 - MPSC Mains Syllabus [Revised/Latest]

In the mains exam, there are six compulsory papers. Paper I and Paper II are language papers while Papers 3, 4, 5, and 6 are general studies papers. There are no optional subjects in the MPSC, a change that was made in 2012.

In MPSC Mains, there is negative marking in the objective question papers.

The following table gives the MPSC exam pattern of the State Service Exam Mains:

Paper Subject Total Marks Standard Medium Duration Nature of Questions
Paper 1 Marathi & English (Essay/Translation/Precis) 100 XII Std. Marathi & English 3 hours Descriptive
Paper 2 Marathi & English (Grammar/Comprehension) 100 XII Std. Marathi & English 1 hour MCQs
Paper 3 General Studies I 150 Degree Marathi & English 2 hours MCQs
Paper 4 General Studies II 150 Degree Marathi & English 2 hours MCQs
Paper 5 General Studies III 150 Degree Marathi & English 2 hours MCQs
Paper 6 General Studies IV 150 Degree Marathi & English 2 hours MCQs

MPSC Mains Syllabus English [Revised]:- Download PDF Here

Stage 3: Interview

Candidates who clear the mains exam are summoned for the MPSC interview. In this round, a panel of the MPSC board assesses the candidate for his/her suitability for the administrative career through a personal discussion. This is more like a personality test where apart from knowledge, the candidate’s attributes such as aptitude, presence of mind, communication skills, etc. are evaluated.

Find MPSC Question Papers for State Service Exam here.

MPSC Syllabus in English and Marathi

In this section, you can read/download the detailed MPSC Exam Syllabus PDF for prelims and mains (English and Marathi).

Though many topics overlap with the UPSC syllabus, it is not entirely the same. Also, there is a specific focus on Maharashtra, as mentioned explicitly in the syllabus.

With the right preparation strategy, it is possible for candidates to prepare for both exams simultaneously.

MPSC Prelims Syllabus

The detailed syllabus for MPSC Prelims is given below:

Paper I (200 marks)

  1. Current events of state, national and international importance.
  2. History of India (with special reference to Maharashtra) and Indian National Movement.
  3. Maharashtra, India and world geography – Physical, Social, Economic geography of Maharashtra, India and the World.
  4. Maharashtra and India – Polity and Governance – Constitution, Political System, Panchayati Raj, Urban Governance, Public Policy, Rights Issue, etc.
  5. Economic and Social Development – Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, Social Sector Initiatives, etc.
  6. General issues on Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity and Climate Change – that do not require subject specialization.
  7. General Science

To cover broad topics from the subjects mentioned above, candidates can take help of the following links:

National Movement
Indian & World Geography
Indian Polity
Social & Economic Development
Environment, Ecology & Climate Change

Paper-II (200 marks)

  1. Comprehension
  2. Interpersonal skills including communication skills
  3. Logical reasoning and analytical ability
  4. Decision-making and problem-solving
  5. General mental ability
  6. Basic numeracy (numbers and their relations, orders of magnitude, etc.) (Class X level), Data Interpretation (charts, graphs, tables, data sufficiency, etc. – Class X level)
  7. Marathi and English language comprehension skills (Class X/XII level) Questions relating to this will be tested through passages from Marathi and English language without providing cross translation thereof in the question paper.

MPSC Mains Syllabus

The syllabus for the six papers in the MPSC mains is given below. Download the PDF for MPSC Mains Syllabus in Marathi from the link given below:

MPSC Mains Syllabus Marathi [Revised]:-Download PDF Here

Paper I – Marathi & English (Essay/Translation/Precis) – Descriptive Paper – 100 marks

Section 1: Marathi (50 marks)

  • Essay writing – An essay on one out of the two given topics/subject (About 400 words)
  • Translation – English paragraph to be translated into Marathi, approximately 1/2 page/2 paragraphs
  • Precis writing

Section 2: English (50 marks)

  • Essay writing – An essay on one out of the two given topics/subject (About 400 words)
  • Translation – Marathi paragraph to be translated into English, approximately 1/2 page/2 paragraphs
  • Precis writing

Candidates who are preparing for All India Services along with state services examination may know the essay writing is very important for any exam. Hence, BYJU’S brought a post on essay paper writing which MPSC candidates can refer to for state service examination as well.

Paper-II – Marathi & English (Grammar and Comprehension) – Objective – 100 marks

Section 1: Marathi (50 marks)

  • Grammar – Idioms, Phrases, Synonyms/Antonyms, Correct formation of words and sentences, Punctuation, etc
  • Comprehension

Section 2: English (50 marks)

  • Grammar – Idioms, Phrases, Synonyms/Antonyms, Correct formation of words and sentences, Punctuation, etc
  • Comprehension

Paper III – General Studies I (History & Geography) – Objective – 150 marks


MPSC Syllabus 2020 - MPSC Revised Mains Syllabus GS 1 History

MPSC Syllabus 2020 - MPSC Revised Mains Syllabus GS 1 History (2)

MPSC Syllabus 2020 - MPSC Revised Mains Syllabus GS I History (3)


MPSC Syllabus 2020 - MPSC Revised Mains Syllabus GS I Geography (1)
MPSC Syllabus 2020 - MPSC Revised Mains Syllabus GS I Geography (2)
MPSC Syllabus 2020 - MPSC Revised Mains Syllabus GS I Geography (3)


MPSC Syllabus 2020 - MPSC Revised Mains Syllabus GS I Agriculture (1)

MPSC Syllabus 2020 - MPSC Revised Mains Syllabus GS I Agriculture (2)

The general studies 1 of the MPSC Mains syllabus has topics that overlap with IAS Mains GS 1 syllabus to an extent. BYJU’S came up with the UPSC Mains GS 1 strategy from which MPSC candidates too can inspiration and align their preparation accordingly.

Paper IV – General Studies II (Indian Constitution & Indian Politics [with special reference to Maharashtra] & Law) – Objective – 150 marks

MPSC Syllabus 2020 - MPSC Revised Mains Syllabus GS 2 (1)MPSC Syllabus 2020 - MPSC Revised Mains Syllabus GS 2 (2)MPSC Syllabus 2020 - MPSC Revised Mains Syllabus GS 2 (3)MPSC Syllabus 2020 - MPSC Revised Mains Syllabus GS 2 (4)MPSC Syllabus 2020 - MPSC Revised Mains Syllabus GS 2 (5)MPSC Syllabus 2020 - MPSC Revised Mains Syllabus GS 2 (6)

The general studies 2 of the MPSC Mains syllabus has topics that overlap with IAS Mains GS 2 syllabus to an extent. BYJU’S came up with the UPSC Mains GS 2 strategy from which MPSC candidates too can align their preparation accordingly.

Paper V – General Studies III (Human Resource Development (HRD) & Human Rights) – Objective – 150 marks

MPSC Syllabus 2020 - MPSC Revised Mains Syllabus GS 3 (1)MPSC Syllabus 2020 - MPSC Revised Mains Syllabus GS 3 (2)MPSC Syllabus 2020 - MPSC Revised Mains Syllabus GS 3 (3)

Paper VI – General Studies IV (Economy & Planning, Economics of Development and Agriculture, Science and Technology Development) – Objective – 150 marks


MPSC Syllabus 2020 - MPSC Revised Mains Syllabus GS 4 (1)

Indian Economy

MPSC Syllabus 2020 - MPSC Revised Mains Syllabus GS 4 - Economy

MPSC Syllabus 2020 - MPSC Revised Mains Syllabus GS 4 - Economy

MPSC Syllabus 2020 - MPSC Revised Mains Syllabus GS 4 - Economy

Science & Technology
MPSC Syllabus 2020 - MPSC Revised Mains Syllabus GS 4 - Science (1)

MPSC Syllabus 2020 - MPSC Revised Mains Syllabus GS 4 - Science (2)

The general studies 4 of the MPSC Mains syllabus has topics that overlap with IAS Mains GS 3 syllabus to an extent. BYJU’S came up with the UPSC Mains GS 3 strategy from which MPSC candidates too can inspiration and align their preparation accordingly.

MPSC Syllabus in Marathi (Mains):-Download PDF Here

If aspirants are sitting for multiple state service examinations, they can get syllabus information about each of the important public service commission examinations from the links mentioned below:

KPSC KAS Syllabus TNPSC Group 1 Syllabus
UPPSC PCS Syllabus WBCS Syllabus
RPSC RAS Syllabus Kerala PSC Syllabus
BPSC Syllabus MPPSC Syllabus
APPSC Group 1 Syllabus GPSC Syllabus
JPSC Syllabus Latest Notification of Goverment Exams


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  1. How can one crack MPSC exam without coaching classes while doing bsc in CBZ ?

  2. Hi,
    Pl guide for Marathi & English paper books, notes, MCQ