NCERT Notes: History Of Ancient India Notes For UPSC 2020

History is one of the most important subjects for the UPSC Exam. Indian History for IAS is a very vast subject covering the following areas:

  • Ancient Indian History
  • Medieval Indian History
  • Modern Indian History

The IAS Syllabus covers history in both Prelims and Mains. The History topics are closely related to Heritage and Culture, particularly when studying History for IAS. The following are the important topics to study from Ancient Indian History:

  • Prehistoric India
  • Historic India
  • Indus Valley Civilization
  • Vedic India
  • Mahajanapadas
  • Buddhism and Related Topics
  • Mauryan Empire, Administrative Structure, Rulers and Legacy
  • Gupta Empire, Rulers and Legacy
  • Invasions from Central Asia
  • Kingdoms, States and Dynasties of South India, Their Rulers and Legacy

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Ancient Indian History Notes

The Ancient history of India is an crucial topic for the CSE exam. It is also an interesting topic while being a vast topic as well. The notes and topics in this article will help in candidate in cruising through the Ancient History of India segment with relative ease.

Read more History of India NCERT Notes for UPSC. These notes are prepared on the important history topics of the UPSC Syllabus. It will help in the quick revision of prelims and GS 1 of UPSC Mains topics.

Prehistoric Age in India Indus Valley Civilization
Indus Valley Civilization Facts Facts about Rig Veda for UPSC Exam
Types of Vedas Vedic Literature
Vedic Civilization: Ancient History for UPSC IAS Exam Persian and Greek Invasions of Ancient India
Rise and Growth of the Magadha Empire Buddha and His Teachings
Buddhist Councils & Buddhist Texts Jainism
Chandragupta Maurya and the Rise of the Mauryan Empire Mauryan Administration
Emperor Ashoka Ashoka’s Edicts
Decline of the Mauryan Empire Post-Mauryan India – Sunga Dynasty
Post-Mauryan India – The Satavahanas Indo-Greek Rule
The Sakas Kushana Empire
Gupta Empire Legacy and Decline of the Gupta Empire
King Harshavardhana Pallavas – Origins and Rulers
Pallavas – Society and Architecture Chalukya Dynasty
Pala Empire Vakatakas
Kanva Dynasty Post-Mauryan Age – Crafts, Trade & Towns
Ancient History South India Life under Guptas and Vakatakas
Central Asian Contacts and their Results Mauryan Empire
Mahajanapadas – Social and Material Life 16 Mahajanapadas
Later Vedic Culture Harappan Civilisation
Jainism Buddhism
Early Medieval India Indian Cultural Contacts with Asian Countries

The most important sources of History are NCERT Books. Aspirants should read History from NCERT Books for UPSC to prepare for the IAS Exam. Taking notes is an efficient way to organise your study material for revision. Though taking notes is advisable, UPSC Candidates often find it difficult to find the right topics to focus on or may not have the time or resources at hand to take efficient notes. With this in mind, we at BYJU’S have developed a compilation of NCERT Notes for UPSC. This page compiles most of the important NCERT Notes for Ancient Indian History for UPSC for ease of use by IAS aspirants.

These IAS History study materials cover most of the major History Topics from the Ancient Indian Historical era until the dawn of the middle ages. Candidates should use these notes in conjunction with the NCERT Books to cover the complete UPSC Syllabus for Ancient Indian History.

Studying the Ancient History of India requires a thorough understanding of the chronology of events in Indian History. Based on this foundation, aspirants should build up knowledge on various aspects of history such as economic history, administrative history and cultural impact of historical events apart from political history.

While reading these topics, aspirants can practise past year history prelims and mains questions from the links given below:

Also, refer to the previous year IAS Topper list and get inspired and  motivated from their success stories.

Please visit the following links to read more:

Related Links:
IAS Exam UPSC Mains Test Series NCERT Notes UPSC Mains Syllabus
UPSC Exam Pattern IAS Questions & Answers Civil Service Exam UPSC Preparation
Success Rate Of Different Optional Subjects In UPSC Mains UPSC Online Application Form  UPSC Admit Card IAS
UPSC Previous Year Question Papers Daily News Analysis UPSC Exam Online UPSC Prelims Syllabus
UPSC Prelims IAS Current Affairs UPSC Exam Age Limit UPSC Prelims Question Paper


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  1. Actually am a fresh candidate for this exam can u pls guide me how to start preparing for exams

  2. I want study material for upsc pls help me

  3. Hi this is my first and last chance foe MPSC 2021. How to go for it.


    • Hi Prakhar
      You can go with new Tamil Nadu State Board history books (Class 11th & 12th) for ancient history preparation. Check other NCERT Notes for IAS preparation in the linked article.

  5. Hi
    Is there available full pledged study material for upsc apart from NCERT books

  6. Hello Sir,
    What are the imortant topics to be covered in “Indian history” from NCERT books?

    • Hi,

      It is better to read the entire NCERT content and the Tamil Nadu Board Class XI Textbook for History. Also, History in UPSC comprises – Modern, Medieval (only Prelims), Ancient, Art and Culture. You can know more here – How To Study History For IAS?

      Few Important Topics of Modern History to be studied from other reference books include:
      1. Advent of Europeans (Prelims)
      2. Socio-Religious Reform Movements 18-19 century (Prelims and Mains)
      3. Indian War of Independence (Prelims and Mains)
      4. Important Leaders of Freedom Struggle (Prelims and Mains)
      5. British Policies and Acts such as Land Revenue System etc(Prelims and Mains)
      6. INC Sessions (Prelims)

  7. Hi I want to start preparation for MPSC exam 2021 from where do I start

  8. Respected sir /madam
    I thought to prepare for civil services now I need full information regarding what books should I read and I’m persuing my post graduation IN Psychiatric Nursing can I take optional subject in mains psychology bcz I had a psychology subject in Bsc Nursing.

  9. Hi Sir,

    I’m preparing for UPSE 2021
    I’m all confused with the books some sorices says 6th to 12th NCERT, few sources says tamil nadu 11 and 12th Few says Nithin Singa, RS sharma, Satish Charndra Specturm.

    Please guide me with the books that I need to study, I wanted to have limited books and read that neatly.

  10. Sir, history ncerts like our past 1,2,3 are enough or one should should read ancient history books of classes 6 7 8th respectively.

  11. please give me a UPSC notes

  12. I’m a full time worker and I’m thinking of preparing for the IAS next year. But I’m not confident whether the time given by me for study would be sufficient. Anyways I would be having Saturdays and Sundays off. So can you guide me on how can I manage my preparation along with my job and how much time must be given.

  13. Sir how can i start preparation of upsc 2021 what part of syllabus i complete first

  14. Please give me a notes UPSC

  15. Sir I want to know which subjects are required for upsc exam bcoz I have done my BA from art side

  16. Hi,
    I am preparing for MPPSC exam. Being fresher’s, pl.suggest strategy to get prepared myself for the exam ( pre and subsequently mains both), and also suggestions about good books and sources.
    Won’t mind if I will say I want to give exam in 3month from now and I am at day zero preparation. Pl.suggest.

  17. What is the list of all the sub-topics that must be covered under ancient indian history?

    • Hi,
      You must go through the following:
      1. Prehistoric period
      2. Indus Valley Civilization
      3. Vedic Period
      4. Empires and Kingdoms of Ancient India
      5. Art forms (Dance, Music, Literature, architecture)
      6. Religion/philosophy of Ancient India

  18. hi this is sudha from tamilnadu. for upsc exam preparation THE SAMACHEER KALVI BOOKS IS ENOUGH for altrenative of NCERT BOOKS

  19. Outstanding class