Free UPSC IAS study material PDFs are hard to find for most Civil Services Examination candidates. The highly competitive nature of the IAS exam and the comprehensive UPSC Syllabus merits that the study material is of the best kind.

NCERT books are reputed to be among the best sources for UPSC exam.

Most IAS toppers have hailed these NCERT books as the essential starting point of their preparation. To ease the efforts of IAS aspirants, we have provided links to free download NCERT books for UPSC.

Kickstart your UPSC 2022 preparation today!

Candidates preparing for the upcoming UPSC Prelims examination are advised to go through the following links to align their preparation:

UPSC Books List PDF:-Download PDF Here

NCERT Books Free Download

The UPSC Civil Services Exam Preparation is undeniably a prolonged and difficult process and to make this process easy, we have provided links to free download NCERT books pdf. The NCERT  UPSC books are significant as they serve as a strong foundation in the civil services exam preparation and help one gain a complete idea about various topics and concepts as well as correlate the issues in news with these topics.

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NCERT Books for UPSC

When it comes to the sources for IAS exam preparation, the NCERT UPSC Books and NIOS material play an important role. While many recommend the aspirants to read the NCERT UPSC Books, no one explains which NCERT Books should be given importance.

Aspirants can download UPSC books online for free in this section.

Hence, here we bring to you, the list of NCERT Books that are important for IAS prelims and mains examination. You can download free IAS materials like NCERT books from the links given below.

Here, in this section, IAS aspirants can download the UPSC Study material PDF of all the basic and necessary subjects for free.

Subject-wise download NCERT books (class 6- class 12th)

The list of subject-wise NCERT books is given in the table below:

Free download NCERT books – History Free download NCERT books – Science
Free download NCERT books – Geography Free download NCERT books – Maths (for CSAT)
Free download NCERT books – Polity Free download NCERT books – Economics and Social Issues

Free NCERT Books PDF Download UPSC Exam

Free download UPSC E-books (Important NCERT books PDF)

  1. Free download NCERT books pdf – Social Change and Development in India
  2. Free download NCERT books pdf – Geography Class 11th Part 1
  3. Free download NCERT books pdf – Geography Class 11th Part 2
  4. Free download NCERT books pdf – Indian Society
  5. Free download NCERT books pdf – Political Science Class 11th
  6. Free download NCERT books pdf – The Story of Civilization Part 1- Arjun Dev
  7. Free download NCERT books pdf – The Story of Civilization Part 2- Arjun Dev
  8. Free download NCERT books pdf – Modern India – Bipan Chandra
  9. Free download NCERT books pdf – Ancient India – RS Sharma
  10. Free download NCERT books pdf – Medieval India – Satish Chandra

For UPSC Exam, here are a few more important links and articles to give your IAS preparation a boost.

UPSC Preparation:

UPSC Prelims UPSC Mains
UPSC Exam Pattern IAS
UPSC Previous Year Question Papers IAS Current Affairs
IAS Topper UPSC Admit Card

UPSC related queries

  • Are NCERT books enough for the upcoming UPSC preparation?
    • NCERT books are a must for the IAS exam. However, candidates should also refer to subject-specific books ( for e.g. Indian Polity by Laxmikanth) and keep tabs on the current affairs. 
  • What is the syllabus of UPSC Prelims?
    • The UPSC Prelims syllabus can be divided into:
      • General Studies (GS) Paper I – History, Geography, Economics, Current Affairs
      • CSAT/ GS Paper II – Analytical and Comprehension questions ( Class X level)
      • Refer the article UPSC Prelims syllabus  for the detailed analysis.
  • How can I apply for UPSC 2022?
    • To apply for IAS exam 2022, candidates have to fill the two-part online registration on the UPSC official website before the application deadline.
  • How many marks are required to clear UPSC prelims?
    • To clear IAS Prelims, a candidate has to score more than the cutoff in GS Paper – I. Also, the candidate has to score at least 33% marks in CSAT (Civil Services Aptitude Test) or GS Paper-II.
  • Which magazine is best for UPSC preparation?
    • For UPSC preparation, Yojana magazine is an essential resource. It has credible facts and data which can also be quoted in the IAS Mains exam as the magazine is published by the I&B Ministry. See this link for a detailed guide on how to read Yojana for UPSC 2022.
  • What is the per month salary of an IAS officer in India?
    • The basic monthly salary of IAS officers start at Rs.56,100(TA, DA and HRA are extra) and can go on to reach Rs.2,500,00 for the post of  Cabinet Secretary.  To know the pay scale and salary structure of an IAS officer after the 7th Pay Commission recommendations in detail, refer this article IAS Salary
  • Can UPSC E-books also be used for IAS exam preparation?
    • UPSC E-books are the soft copy version of the original books. These can be saved on your laptops, tablets, computer, mobile phones and have the exact same information as the hard copy of NCERT books. Candidates can easily use them for IAS exam preparation.
  • When can one download NCERT E-books for UPSC preparation?
    • The E-books version of NCERT books is easily available on multiple online portals. Candidates can download a copy for themselves using the free links given above in this article.

Also Read:

UPSC Booklist for Hindi Medium Students
Basic Books for UPSC Exam Preparation
Best Books for UPSC Prelims Preparation
Download Free NCERT Books in Hindi
How to study for IAS at home
Number of Optional Subjects in UPSC


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  1. BYJU’S is a very nice and wonderful platform at which all the information, guidance, motivation and subject content are available and designed in a very systematic manner with very lucid and easy language which is understood by any students. This is the special sailent features of BYJU’S.

  2. It would be of great help if you could post ncert notes for polity, economics and environmental science too and basic science.

  3. Can u please post ancient history and world history notes here

  4. Please guide me as to how to start with upsc preparations?

  5. How can I get notes of Indian polity?

  6. Hi
    Refer to the following links:
    1. IAS Exam
    2. NCERT Notes for UPSC

  7. Hi !
    I am kush

    What is minimum age for upsc exams ??

  8. Plz guide me as how to start preparation of upsc

  9. hi can i get important topic notes from history for 2020 exam

  10. Hi i m a last yr graduate candidate of 20 yr old and i m preparing for upsc but my eligible age will complete in may month so can i fill up the upsc form which comes in feb month and pre will also conducted in after may month and till then i will complete my 21 so can i fill the form for it or not?

  11. I want upsc (pre. And main exam Syllabus for 2021)

    • Hi
      The syllabus comes out with the official notification. UPSC notification 201 is due for 10th February 2021. Till then, for reference, you can UPSC syllabus 2020 here.

  12. Hii mam/sir muze UPSC exam ki study karni he me kese kon konse tari ke se kar sakti hu plz aap batayenge?? coz i am totally confused.

    • 1.‌ ‌Understand‌ ‌UPSC‌ ‌Syllabus‌ ‌
      2.‌ ‌Start‌ ‌with‌ ‌NCERTs‌ ‌and‌ ‌complement‌ ‌with‌ ‌daily‌ ‌newspaper.‌ ‌
      3.‌ ‌Refer‌ ‌to‌ ‌UPSC‌ ‌
      previous‌ ‌years’‌ ‌question‌ ‌papers.‌ ‌
      4.‌ ‌Read‌ ‌Rajiv‌ ‌Ahir’s‌ ‌Brief‌ ‌of‌ ‌Modern‌ ‌History,‌ ‌M.‌ ‌Laxmikanth’s‌ ‌Indian‌ ‌Polity‌ ‌for‌ ‌GS‌ ‌1‌ ‌and‌ ‌2‌ ‌
      respectively.‌ ‌ ‌
      5.‌ ‌Revise‌ ‌often.‌ ‌
      6.‌ ‌Take‌ ‌mock‌ ‌tests‌ ‌periodically.‌

  13. I want the whole list of NCERT books for IAS preparation

  14. How can I get compiled notes for ncerts class vi to xii for upsc


  16. Sir my date of birth is 14th November 2001
    Am I elegible for UPSC CSE 2022?

  17. What and amazing organized and to the point material Byjus is providing! We must all feel lucky to have been preparing at this time of the world.

  18. this is the only UPSC platform when we can take the all syllabus, books, videos, and all every thing is very good byjus

  19. Hlw mamm/sir I am student of class 12th and I want to start my preparation for cracking ias exams so will u plz provide me notes