RPSC Syllabus For RAS Exam 2020

The Syllabus for RAS/RTS Combined Competitive Exam is set by the Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC).

The primary difference between the UPSC Syllabus and the syllabus for state PSC exams is that for states, candidates have to learn the topics from the state’s perspective as well.

For e.g., if candidates are preparing for RPSC, then they also need to study History, Economy, Geography, Polity, and Current Affairs related to Rajasthan state as mentioned in the RAS Syllabus.

The RAS Exam is conducted in three stages (similar to the UPSC IAS Exam)

  • Stage 1: RAS Pre – One Paper – Objective Type – 200 Marks
  • Stage 2: RAS Mains – 4 Papers – Theory/Descriptive – 800 Marks Total
  • Stage 3: RAS Interview/Personality Test/Viva-voce – 100 Marks

Read/download the new and updated RAS Exam Pattern.

The RPSC Syllabus for RAS exam can be divided into two parts:

  1. RAS Pre Syllabus
  2. RAS Syllabus – Mains

RPSC RAS Pre Syllabus

The RAS Pre Exam is a screening test and marks are not counted for the final merit list.

The Syllabus for all RPSC exams can be viewed on the official website of the commission – (https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in/)

RAS Pre Syllabus and Pattern is as follows:

  • One Exam
  • Subject Name – General Knowledge and General Science
  • Max Marks – 200
  • Duration – 3 Hrs
  • Negative Marking – Yes (1/3rd of the marks allocated for the question)
  • Number of Question – 150
  • RAS Pre Exam 2022 Date – Yet to be announced
  • Syllabus – The syllabus can be subdivided into topics/section focusing on Rajasthan and general topics
RAS Syllabus – Prelims (Simplified)
Rajasthan Specific Parts General Topics
  1. Literature, Tradition, Culture, Art, History and Heritage of Rajasthan
  2. Geography of Rajasthan
  3. Administrative and Political System of Rajasthan
  4. Economy of Rajasthan
  5. Current Affairs – Rajasthan
  1. Indian History – Ancient, Medieval, Modern
  2. Geography – Indian. World
  3. Indian Political System, Constitution and Governance
  4. Economic Concepts and Indian Economy
  5. Science and Technology
  6. Reasoning and Mental Ability
  7. Current Affairs

The RAS Pre 2018 was conducted on August 5, 2018, and candidates can download the official RPSC syllabus from the link below. RPSC RAS Prelims 2021 Exam was conducted on 27th and 28th October 2021.

RAS Pre Syllabus 2022:- Download PDF Here

The RPSC RAS syllabus (Prelims) is similar to UPSC Prelims Syllabus. However, as aspirants can see on the linked page, the UPSC Prelims comprises 2 papers, and there are other subtle but significant differences.

Aligning UPSC Preparation with RAS Syllabus:

Many civil service aspirants prepare simultaneously for State PSC Exams and UPSC Civil Service Exam.

Aspirants can check our UPSC 2022 page for free study material and preparation strategy as they are also preparing for IAS Exam.

The common sections/topics/aspects in the syllabus of RAS exam and IAS exam are:

  1. Current Affairs – Events of national and international importance
    • Check out BYJU’S Current Affairs page which has daily news analysis, monthly summaries of Press Information Bureau (PIB), the gist of Yojana magazine, monthly current affairs magazine and more.
  2. History – Ancient, Medieval, Modern
  3. Geography – Indian, World
  4. Indian Polity
  5. Indian Economy
  6. Science and Technology

Check the RAS Eligibility Criteria

RPSC Syllabus for RAS Mains

RAS Mains 2018 took place on 25th, and 26th June 2019 and the results were announced on 9th Jul 2020. RAS Mains 2021 Dates are yet to be announced.

The RAS Syllabus for Mains comprises 4 theory papers of 200 marks each. The papers consist of short, medium and long answer questions.

There are no optional papers in the syllabus for RAS Mains, unlike the UPSC Mains Syllabus.

To know about the Scheme of Examination for Rajasthan State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive (Mains) Examination, 2022, check the PDF given below:

Scheme of RPSC RAS Mains Exam:-Download PDF Here

Marks in the RAS Mains along with the Interview marks are counted for the final merit list.

RPSC RAS Mains Syllabus 

Paper I General Studies I
  • Unit 1 – History
  • Unit 2 – Economics
  • Unit 3 – Sociology, Management, Accounting & Auditing
Paper II General Studies II
  • Unit 1 – Administrative Ethics
  • Unit 2 – General Science & Technology
  • Unit 3 – Earth Science (Geography and Geology)
Paper III General Studies III
  • Unit 1 – Indian Political System, World Politics and Current Affairs
  • Unit 2 – Concepts, Issues and Dynamics of Public Administration and Management
  • Unit 3 – Sports and Yoga, Behaviour and Law
Paper IV General Hindi and General English
  • Grammar and Usage
  • Comprehension, Translation and Precis Writing
  • Composition & Letter Writing

Detailed RPSC RAS Mains Syllabus [Hindi]:-Download PDF Here

Detailed RPSC RAS Mains Syllabus [English]:-Download PDF Here

Align your RAS syllabus of Mains with IAS syllabus of Mains:

Let us see the common and broad topics mentioned in the RAS syllabus and also find mention in the UPSC syllabus:

RAS Mains GS 1 (Unit 1) Syllabus Topics:

  • Indian History & Culture – Similar broad terms are mentioned in the GS 1 (UPSC Mains) under the heading Indian Heritage & Culture.
  • History of Modern World – The similar topics are mentioned in the GS 1 (UPSC Mains) under the heading History of the World.
  • General Knowledge – Aspirants can cover general knowledge topics from BYJU’S Static GK initiative.

To devise a strategy for these topics, BYJU’S brought a strategy post for UPSC Mains GS 1 where the topic-wise strategy has been mentioned. RAS aspirants also can take a hint from the same post and prepare their own study plan to cover history-related topics mentioned in the RAS syllabus. Check the UPSC Mains GS 1 strategy in the linked article.

RAS Mains GS 1 (Unit 2) Syllabus Topics:

  • Indian Economy – The similar topic is mentioned in the GS 3 (UPSC Mains) under the heading Economic Development.

To devise a strategy for this topic, BYJU’S brought a strategy post for UPSC Mains GS 3, where the Indian economy-related strategy has been mentioned. RAS aspirants also can take a hint from the same post and prepare their own study plan to cover economy-related topics mentioned in the RAS syllabus. Check the UPSC Mains GS 3 strategy in the linked article.

RAS Mains GS 2 (Unit 1) Syllabus Topics

  • Ethics – A similar topic with the same heading along with aptitude, integrity-related subheadings are mentioned in the GS 4 (UPSC Mains) syllabus.

To devise a strategy for this topic, BYJU’S brought a strategy post for UPSC Mains GS 4 where the Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude-related strategy has been mentioned. RAS aspirants also can take a hint from the same post and prepare their own study plan to cover ethics-related topics mentioned in RAS syllabus. Check the UPSC Mains GS 4 strategy in the linked article.

RAS Mains GS 2 (Unit 2) Syllabus Topics

  • General Science & Technology – Topics related to general science and technology are covered in the GS 3 of the UPSC Mains.
  • Defence – Similar topics under the heading, ‘Role of External State and Non-state Actors in creating challenges to Internal Security’ is mentioned in the GS 3 syllabus of the UPSC mains.
  • Environment, Biodiversity, & Climate Change – Similar topics are also covered in GS 3 of the IAS Mains. [We have provided the GS 3 strategy post link above; check the post for a strategy on these topics.]

RAS Mains GS 3 Syllabus Topics

  • Indian Political System
  • International relations

Both the above-mentioned broad topics are also covered in GS 2 of the IAS mains examination. To devise a strategy for these topics, BYJU’S brought a strategy post for UPSC Mains GS 2 where the related strategy has been mentioned. RAS aspirants also can take a hint from the same post and prepare their own study plan to cover Indian Polity-related topics mentioned in RAS syllabus. Check the UPSC Mains GS 2 strategy in the linked article.

Note: Like in RAS Pre, candidates have to also focus on Rajasthan-specific topics in the Mains. For general topics, like Indian Polity, Economy, the preparation would be on the lines of UPSC Mains, i.e. reading the standard reference books by authors like M.Laxmikanth, Ramesh Singh, Bipin Chandra, etc.

For detailed RAS preparation, check the linked article.

Aspirants can go through this book list for UPSC/RPSC exams.

UPSC/RPSC RAS Book List:- Download PDF Here

Also, toppers recommend going through the previous years’ RPSC question papers for RAS Exam and doing MCQ solving practice for Prelims and answer-writing practice for Mains.

Get detailed information on RAS Vacancy, Salary, Admit Card, etc, from RAS Notification 2022 page.

Candidates are also advised to even check th IAS Salary, which is one of the key driving factors for candidates to opt for a career in the central or state services.

If aspirants are sitting for multiple state service examinations, they can get syllabus information about each of the important public service commission examinations from the links mentioned below:


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  1. I appreciate byjus’ efforts for making available all the relevant material for free. Thanks a ton!

  2. Sir may I know the reservation for ex service man in RPSC and what’s the age limits

    • Hi, the age limit of the candidates belonging to Ex-Servicemen category is as follows:
      1. Ex-Servicemen (General Category) – 35 years
      2. Ex-Servicemen (SC/ST) – 40 years
      3. Ex-Servicemen (OBC) – 38 years

  3. Plz give me all daily information rpsc exam updated

  4. Hii sir, I am starting for preparation of RAS/IAS, can you please tell me from where should I start.

  5. Hi
    Please tell me about ras preparation strategies for fresher’s from bottom to top…
    And also tell about the time management for service man

  6. Is it Compulsory to know Hindi, to Clear RAS Exam?
    Because i found, No “Compulsory qualifying Language paper” (Like other state’s PSC exams) in Above exam pattern

  7. If my age is 21 in June and the ras exam is held on October than I am eligible for exam or not ??

    • Dear Aspirant,
      RPSC RAS notification 2021 was released on 20th July. According to it, aspirants who are 21 (by Jan 1, 2021) can sit for RAS 2021. The application process got over on 2nd September 2. For 2022, aspirants have to be a minimum of 21 years and a maximum of 40 years as of 1st January 2022.

      If you need full details about this exam, download the latest notification from here.