UPPSC PCS Exam Syllabus 2020 - (New) PCS Exam Pattern

Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) had changed the PCS Exam Pattern from UPPSC Prelims 2018 onward. UPPSC syllabus is based on the new PCS exam pattern. In this article, we will provide you with the latest UPPSC syllabus and exam pattern for Prelims and Mains 2022.

UPPSC Syllabus (New Pattern):- Download PDF Here

PCS Syllabus 2022 | Salient Points of UPPSC New Exam Pattern

UPPSC conducts the PCS Exam for recruiting Group A and Group B officers in the administrative services of the state government. UPPSC Prelims 2018 onwards, the PCS exam pattern has been changed.

The salient points of the UPPSC new exam pattern are:

  1. Introduction of 0.33% negative marking in the Prelims Exam
  2. The UPPSC mains will have 4 GS papers and only one optional subject (2 papers) along with the Essay and General Hindi paper.
  3. The interview will be for 100 marks

The new PCS exam pattern is closely modelled on the lines of the UPSC IAS Exam.

PCS Exam Pattern 2022

The UPPSC conducts the PCS Exam in three stages:

  1. Prelims – 2 papers – objective type questions (MCQs)
  2. Mains – 8 papers – essay/descriptive type
  3. Interview

The PCS exam pattern for UPPSC Prelims is given in the table below:

Name of Exam Combined State/Upper Subordinate Services (General Recruitment/Physically Handicapped – Backlog/Special Recruitment) (Preliminary) Examination
Number of Papers
  1. Two;
  2. Paper 1 – General Studies I
  3. Paper 2 – General Studies II (CSAT)
UPPSC Exam Date (Prelims 2021) 13th June 2021 [Postponed]

Check the revised UPPSC Calendar in the linked article.

Duration of Exam 2 hours each;
  • Both papers are conducted on the same day;
  • Paper 1 – 9.30 AM – 11.30 AM
  • Paper 2 – 2.30 PM – 4.30 PM
Maximum Marks
  • Both Papers will be of 200 marks each.
  • However, only Paper 1 will be considered for merit ranking
  • Paper 2 is a qualifying paper on the lines of IAS Prelims (33% qualifying criteria)
Number of Questions Paper-I : 150 questions

Paper-II : 100 questions

Type of Exam Offline (Pen-paper) OMR sheets
Nature of Questions All questions will be of Objective type (MCQs)
Negative Marking
  • As per the new UPPSC exam pattern, there will be 0.33% negative marking for every incorrect answer.
  • For e.g., if the maximum marks allotted for a question is 2, then answering it incorrectly would incur a penalty of 0.66 marks
  • Filling multiple circles on the OMR sheet for the same question would be treated as an incorrect answer
  • There is no negative marking for leaving a question blank

The PCS Exam pattern for UPPSC Mains 2022 is given below. The same pattern is followed in UPPSC Mains 2020 too:

Name of Exam Combined State/Upper Subordinate Services (General Recruitment/Physically Handicapped – Backlog/Special Recruitment) Main (Written) Examination
Number of Papers Eight;
  1. General Hindi
  2. Essay
  3. General Studies I
  4. General Studies II
  5. General Studies III
  6. General Studies IV
  7. Optional Subject – Paper 1
  8. Optional Subject – Paper 2
UPPSC Exam Date
  • Mains 2021 – January 28, 2022 onwards
  • Mains 2020 – January 22, 2021, onwards (UPPSC Admit Card for Mains 2020 )
  • Mains 2019 – September 22, 2020, onwards
Duration of Exam 3 hours each;
  • Papers will be conducted over a week’s duration;
  • Morning Session – 9.30 AM – 12.30 AM
  • Afternoon Session – 2 PM – 5 PM
Maximum Marks
  • General Hindi – 150 marks
  • Essay – 150 marks
  • All General Studies papers and Optional subject papers will be of 200 marks each
  • Total – 1500 marks
Type of Exam Offline (Pen-paper)
Nature of Questions Essay/descriptive type
Optional Subjects As per the new UPPSC exam pattern, candidates have to select only one optional subject (2 papers) now, from the list given.

Given below are the 34 optional PCS exam subjects for UPPSC Mains 2022 per the latest exam pattern:

Agriculture & Veterinary Science Arabic Lit. Zoology
Chemistry Hindi Lit. Statistics
Defence Studies Persian Lit. Physics
Management Sanskrit Lit. Mathematics
Political Science & International Relations Geology Commerce & Accountancy
Geography Psychology Economics
History Civil Engineering Public Administration
Social Work Medical Science Sociology
Agricultural Engineering Philosophy Anthropology
Mechanical Engineering Botany Electrical Engineering
Law English Lit. Animal Husbandry
Urdu Lit

The UPPSC Personality Test/Viva-Voce/Interview is held for the candidates who clear the Main stage of the PCS Exam. The interview (in the new PCS exam pattern) is for 100 marks and tests the general awareness, character, expression power/personality, intelligence and general suitability for the service.

UPPSC aspirants can also prepare for the UPSC exam considering a few similarities between the two examinations.

UPPSC Syllabus – PCS Exam Syllabus

The UPPSC syllabus overlaps significantly with the UPSC CSE Syllabus for the IAS Exam.

With the new PCS exam pattern and UPPSC syllabus, candidates preparing simultaneously for the Civil Services Exam and the state civil services exam will have a slightly easier task.

UPPSC PCS Syllabus – Prelims

The Prelims syllabus for Paper 1 and Paper 2 is given below.

Paper 1:

  1. Current events of National & International importance
  2. Indian History and National Movement
  3. Indian and World Geography – Socio-economic, Physical geography
  4. Indian Governance and Polity – Political System, Constitution, Public Policy, Panchayati Raj, Rights issues, etc.
  5. Social and Economic Development – Demographics, Sustainable Development, Poverty Inclusion, Social Sector initiatives etc.
  6. Environmental Ecology, Climate Change, and Biodiversity – general issues that do not require subject specialisation
  7. General Science

Note: – Candidates are expected to have general awareness about the above subjects with special reference to Uttar Pradesh.

To cover broad topics from the subjects mentioned above, candidates can take help of the following links:

National Movement
Indian & World Geography
Indian Polity
Social & Economic Development
Environment, Ecology & Climate Change

There will be questions on the above topics with special reference to Uttar Pradesh. The official syllabus will be given in the UPPSC Notification. Given below is the syllabus from the official notification.

The detailed UPPSC syllabus for PCS Prelims Paper 1 is :

UPPSC PCS Exam 2019 Prelims Syllabus for Paper 1

Paper 2:

  1. Comprehension
  2. Interpersonal skills (including communication skills)
  3. Analytical Ability & Logical Reasoning
  4. Problem Solving & Decision Making
  5. General Mental Ability
  6. Elementary Mathematics (class X level – Algebra, Statistics, Geometry and Arithmetic)
  7. General English (class X level)
  8. General Hindi (class X level)

The detailed UPPSC syllabus for Maths, English and Hindi sections of PCS Exam Prelims Paper 2 is:

UPPSC syllabus for PCS Prelims
UPPSC syllabus for PCS Prelims

Candidates can check the eligibility criteria for the UPPSC PCS Exam and the latest UPPSC results from the links below:

UPPSC Syllabus – Mains Syllabus 2022

In the changed pattern, the UPPSC Mains comprises 8 theory papers.

The PCS exam syllabus for General Hindi paper:

General Hindi syllabus for UPPSC Mains 2019

The UPPSC syllabus for Essay PCS exam paper:

Essay syllabus for PCS Mains exam 2019

Just like it is asked in UPSC examination (Mains stage); UPPSC PCS mains stage too has a dedicate paper on Essay. BYJU’S came up with a post on how to write an essay for UPSC candidates. PCS candidates too can refer to the same post and learn some tips to write an essay.

The PCS Exam syllabus for General Studies Paper 1:

GS 1 syllabus for UPPSC Mains 2018-19
GS 1 syllabus - PCS Exam Syllabus

The general studies 1 of the UPPSC PCS Mains syllabus has topics that overlap with IAS Mains GS 1 syllabus to an extent. BYJU’S came up with the UPSC Mains GS 1 strategy from which PCS candidates too can inspiration and align their preparation accordingly.

The UPPSC syllabus for General Studies Paper 2:

UPPSC Syllabus for PCS Mains GS 2 paper
GS 2 syllabus for UPPSC Mains 2019

The general studies 2 of the UPPSC PCS Mains syllabus has topics that overlap with IAS Mains GS 1 syllabus to an extent. BYJU’S came up with the UPSC Mains GS 2 strategy from which PCS candidates too can inspiration and align their preparation accordingly.

The PCS Exam syllabus for General Studies Paper 3:

UPPSC Mains Syllabus for GS 3
UPPSC Mains Syllabus for GS 3

The general studies 3 of the UPPSC PCS Mains syllabus has topics that overlap with IAS Mains GS 1 syllabus to an extent. BYJU’S came up with the UPSC Mains GS 3 strategy from which PCS candidates too can inspiration and align their preparation accordingly.

The UPPSC syllabus for General Studies Paper 4:

GS 4 UPPSC Syllabus - PCS Exam 2019
GS 4 syllabus for UPPSC PCS Exam 2019

The general studies 4 of the UPPSC PCS Mains syllabus has topics that overlap with IAS Mains GS 1 syllabus to an extent. BYJU’S came up with the UPSC Mains GS 4 strategy from which PCS candidates too can align their preparation accordingly.

Learn from the experience of previous year IAS Toppers and kickstart your preparation now!

Regarding the UPPSC syllabus for the 34 optional subjects, candidates can refer to the UPPSC notification 2021 below:

UPPSC Notification 2021:-  Download PDF Here


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  1. useful information

  2. It’s good thank you

  3. You explained very good

  4. Thanks

  5. Thanks for this notification