Percentage formula is used to find the amount or share of something in terms of 100. In its simplest form, percent means per hundred. To express a number between zero and one, percentage formula is used. It is defined as a number represented as a fraction of 100. It is denoted by the symbol %, and is majorly used to compare and find out ratios.
Formula to Calculate Percentage
The Percentage Formula is given as,
Percentage = (Value ⁄ Total Value) × 100 |
Solved Example Questions Using the Formula for Percentage:
Question 1: Express ⅘ as a percentage.
⅘ = (4 × 20 ⁄ 5 × 20)
= (80 ⁄ 100)
= 80%
Question 2: There are 150 students in a class. Out of them, 75 are girls. Find the percentage of girls in the class.
Total number of students in the class = 150
Girls in the class = 75
% of girls in the class = (75 ⁄ 150) × 100 = (7500 ⁄ 150) = 50%