Central Board of Secondary Education is conducting the Aryabhata Ganit Challenge 2020 for Class 8 to 10 students. This national-level contest aims to promote mathematical and reasoning ability in students through joyful assessment. The contest will consist of two stages of examination, which mainly tests the ability of students to apply mathematics in daily life.
The first stage of the test has been successfully conducted from 18th Nov to 22nd Nov 2019. A lot number of students have participated in the 1st stage of Aryabhata Ganit Challenge. The top three students from each school got selected for the second stage which will conduct on 29th Nov 2019. CBSE has also released the guidelines to students regarding the conduct of 2nd stage test. Students can find complete details of second stage in the pdf below.
Final Guidelines for Conduct of 2nd Stage Exam – Download PDF!
Keep reading to know all about Aryabhata Ganit Challenge 2020.
Key Points Related to the Conduct of Aryabhata Ganit Challenge 2020
Eligibility Criteria
First Stage: All students of class 8 to 10 who are studying in CBSE affiliated schools are eligible to participate in the Aryabhata Ganit Challenge 2020.
Second Stage: Top three students from each affiliated school who registered for the first stage.
Area of Assessment
(i) Application of Mathematics in daily life (20 marks )
- Change and relationships
- Space and Shape
- Quantity
- Uncertainty and data
(ii) Joy of Mathematics Learning (20 marks)
- Puzzles
- History of Mathematics
- Current affairs in Mathematics
- Mathematics all around us
iii) Mathematical ability (20 marks)
- Numerical Ability
- Reasoning
- Spatial Ability
Test Duration and Total Marks:
It will be an objective type paper consisting of 1 hour duration. The test will be of 60 marks and there shall be no negative marking.
Process of Conduct of Test and Selection
The test will be conducted in two stages:
- First Stage
- Second Stage
First Stage
- Affiliated schools have to apply online on www.cbse.nic.in before 15th November 2019 (till 5.30 p.m). No fees are charged for the first stage registration.
- All students can participate in the first stage of examination.
- The question paper will be made available to the registered schools through an online link between 18th to 22nd Nov 2019.
- The registered schools will conduct the test and identify their three top students.
- The top 3 students from each school will be selected for stage 2 exam. Schools have to register the names of top 3 students by paying Rs. 900 fees through an online link from the 18th to the 25th Nov 2019.
Second Stage
- CBSE will conduct the computer based test for the top three students registered from each school on 29th November 2019.
- The details of the test will be communicated to registered schools.
- Top 100 students from each CBSE region will be awarded Merit certificate.
We are also providing the official notification released by the board. Go through the link below to download the PDF.
Aryabhata Ganit Challenge 2020 – Download Official Notification
The Aryabhata Ganit Challenge provides an excellent opportunity to recognize and nurture Mathematical skills and potential of students. Schools must, therefore, encourage students to participate in the contest. Also, ten schools from each region with maximum number of student participation in the first stage will get an appreciation certificate from the Board.
We hope students find this information on “Aryabhata Ganit Challenge 2020” helpful. Those who are preparing for class 10 and 12 board exams can access the CBSE sample paper 2020, previous year papers and other study resources by visiting BYJU’S. Also, stay tuned for the latest updates on CBSE and other competitive exams.