Case Study Questions To Be Asked in CBSE Class 10 and 12 Board Exam 2021

In Class 10 and 12 board exams 2021, students will observe new types of case study questions. For the first time, the board has introduced the case study questions in the board exam. After a thorough analysis of CBSE Sample Papers 2021 and Marking Scheme, we have provided the key points related to the CBSE case study questions that every student must know. This information will help students to understand the changes in the exam pattern. Also, they can prepare effectively for class 10 and 12 board exams.

CBSE Case Study Questions for Class 10 and 12 Board Exams 2021

The Central Board of Secondary Education has made a few changes in the question paper pattern of class 10 and 12 board exams. It has increased the weightage of the multiple choice questions and introduced case study questions for the 2021 CBSE board exam. It will check comprehension, interpretation and writing skills of the students. It will bring competency-based and skill-oriented teaching and learning in students.

In case study-based questions, students are expected to answer questions after reading the given paragraph or a passage. The questions will be asked from the concept part of the NCERT textbooks. So, students are advised to read the book thoroughly to handle the case study questions in the board exam.

CBSE Class 10 Case Study Based Questions

In board exams, students will find the questions based on assertion and reasoning. Also, there will be a few questions based on case studies. In that, a paragraph will be given, and then the MCQ questions based on it will be asked. For Mathematics subjects, there would be 5 case based sub-parts questions, wherein a student has to attempt 4 subpart questions.

CBSE Class 12 Case Study Based Questions

Two case based questions on the main topics in Class 12 board exams in each subject are expected to be asked. A case study will have 5 objective questions. Students have to answer any 4 out of 5 case based questions.

Tips to Solve Case Study Questions for Class 10 and 12 Board Exams

Students can easily score marks in these case based questions. They only need to have a conceptual understanding of the topic and a thorough knowledge of the subject. Here, we have provided some tips, which will help students in answering the case study questions.

1) Students need to read the passage or comprehension thoroughly from beginning to the end. Then, they should go through questions which are based on the passage.

2) After reading the questions, students should try to identify what the examiner is expecting in the answer.

3) Sometimes, the question is tricky and difficult to understand. So, in that case, students should read the passage and question again.

4) After understanding the question, students should check out the options, and only then should they write their answer.

We will be publishing more tips and tricks on how to answer the case study questions for the board exam. We will also compile subject wise case based questions for Class 10 and 12 by covering the important topics of the CBSE Syllabus. By practising them, students will get a good command over case based questions. They can easily score marks in this portion and can maximise their score in the board exam. So, stay tuned to BYJU’S for more updates on case based questions related to CBSE. Till then, students must keep practising and working hard to boost their board exam preparation.

The board can release CBSE Class 10 and 12 exam date sheets anytime. Meanwhile, students should practise the CBSE Sample Paper 2021 to get more ideas and practise on different types of case study questions. By solving these questions, students can easily understand the latest change in the exam pattern and prepare for the board exam accordingly.


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