CBSE Brings More Complicated Admission Rules For Classes 9 and 11

CBSE Brings More Complicated Admission Rules For Classes 9 and 11

CBSE has put a deadline on class 9, 11 admissions, even as it goes on to make it mandatory for the students to submit documentation supporting the reason for the shift of city. Students would need to include the data of the past five years’ inclusive of the job change details of a parent, as well. Needless to say, schools and parents are both left unhappy with this new complicated rule.

Central Board of Secondary Education, also known as CBSE has altered the admission rules for classes 9 and 11 by taking the admission process directly into their hands, thus putting an end to the autonomy earlier enjoyed by schools. As per the new set of rules, established by the board,students wishing to take admission in a CBSE- affiliated school in classes 9 and 11, will have to substantiate the reason for their shift with supporting documents.

For example, if a students is shifting on the basis of hope for “better education”, then they will have to submit the record of the past 5 years of the previous as well as the new school they hope to study in. Obtaining these documents is the sole responsibility of the parents and students and is dependent on their influence in the departments. At the same time, students coming from unaffiliated schools will not be given admission in these classes.

Meanwhile, for students changing schools as a result of the change in parent’s business, they are required to submit the old and new business address as well as bank records to the school to the CBSE board. Also, for students seeking admission to CBSE class 9 and 11, because of parent’s job, then they will have to submit a copy of the appointment letter attested ( in blue ink only) by the organization/ institution where the parents have joined. In case the student is staying with a relative in the city, the identity proof of the relative as well as their details are required.

Parents across the board have complained of the rule. CBSE have also changed the rules for schools. Now, the schools will have to forward all requests for class 9 and 11 in one go to the CBSE. This will also make sure of a deadline being fixed, in terms of accepting applications. According to the principal of a UP-based school this will be an added burden of paperwork for the schools, as they would need to verify the documents and would probably have to recruit someone to check it.

The new rule will come into action from the academic year of 2020, thus making it obvious that students seeking change can do in the current year, as per the present rules, if they so require. The board has made it clear that this rule was an attempt to demotivate unnecessary transfers.

“The last-minute shifting of schools does not provide a conducive educational environment for students, as they are not well-acquainted with new classmates and teachers,”Sanyam Bhardwaj, the Controller of Examination, CBSE states in the curriculum.


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