CBSE Class 12 New Exam Pattern 2020

Central Board of Secondary Education is going to introduce a new exam pattern for class 12 students. As per the report, the changes will be done in the question paper pattern from the academic year 2019-20. With the change in CBSE class 12 exam pattern, the board is aiming to develop analytical and reasoning skills among students. The pattern of the exam will be similar to the competitive exam so that students focus more on grasping the concepts instead of rote learning.

CBSE Class 12 Exam Pattern 2020 – Major Changes

As per the news resources, 3 major changes to be done in CBSE class 12 exam pattern are as follows:

1) Internal Assessment in all Subjects:

As per the new scheme, CBSE is expected to allocate 20% of marks for the internal assessment of all the subjects. From the academic session 2019-20 the theory papers will carry 80% marks and rest 20% will be assigned to the internal assessment. Previously, only a few subjects had the internal assessment but now it will be applicable for all the subjects.

2) More number of Objective Type Questions in Exam:

In new exam pattern, CBSE is going to introduce 25% of the marks to multiple choice questions in all the subjects. So, for a paper consisting of 80 marks, the MCQ questions will be of 20 marks and subjective type questions of 60 marks. The reason behind introducing MCQ questions is that students should go through each and every topic in detail instead of mugging up the answers. So, these MCQ questions will reduce the pressure of writing long answers and help students to score more marks in the exam. At the same time, it is expected that the difficulty level of the MCQ questions will be higher than the descriptive questions.

3) Number of Internal Choices in Questions to be Increased:

Board will provide more internal choices to the students in question paper. Now, the internal options in all sections of a question paper will increase by 33%. This will help students in picking up that question in which they are more comfortable and confident. This has been done to improve the overall score of the students.

It is expected that CBSE will soon release a notice regarding these major changes of class 12 exam pattern. However, there is no such official notification released by the CBSE yet. We will keep updating the students with the latest news. The CBSE board exam 2020 is to be conducted as per the CBSE syllabus and not NCERT books. So students are advised to prepare for the board exam as per the syllabus provided in the CBSE official website.

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