CBSE Compartment Exam Date Sheet For Class 10 and 12, 2019

The Central Board of Secondary Education conducted the Class 10 exam from 21st February to 29th March 2019 and Class 12 examination from 15th February to 3rd April 2019. while approximately 13 lakh students registered for CBSE Class 12 examination. The CBSE Class 10 Results was out on the 6th of May 2019. Around 18.19 lakh students registered for CBSE Class 10 examination this year. On the other hand, the CBSE Class 12 examination result was out on the 2nd of May, 2019.

This year 2,00,057 students failed the class 12 examination and a lot many more students failed the class 10 board examination. For those who could not clear these examinations in the first attempt, the CBSE provides another chance. The CBSE conducts the compartmental exam for the students who have failed in Class 10 and Class 12 examination, every year. The datesheet of the compartment exam has been released by the CBSE for those who couldn’t clear the board exams in their first try. According to the datesheet released, the Class 10 compartment exam will begin from the 2nd of June 2019 till the 10th of July 2019. On the other hand, the class 12 compartment exams will be conducted on a single day, the 2nd of July, 2019. The date sheet can be downloaded from the official website of CBSE,

To know more about CBSE compartment exam, including the eligibility criteria, application, etc, visit:

The students appearing for the Compartment exams should score at least 33% based in theory as well as practical and aggregate score., just like the CBSE board exams. The CBSE exam allows the students to start writing the answers at 10.30, however, the students will be given the question paper by 10.15. A buffer time of 15 minutes, from 10.15 to 10.30 will be provided for the students to read the question paper thoroughly. The Compartment exam conducted by the CBSE will be 3 hours long, excluding the buffer time of 15 minutes(10.15a.m to 10.30a.m) provided for the students to read the question paper thoroughly.

CBSE Class 10 Date Sheet

CBSE Compartment Exam Date Sheet 2019

CBSE Class 12 Date Sheet

The Central Board of Secondary Education conducts the compartment exam for all the subjects on the same day. The Class 12 compartment exam, this year, will be conducted on the 2nd of July, 2019, from 10.30 am.

Apart from the theory exams, given in the datesheet above, the practical exams would also be conducted for the candidates who have failed in the subject involving practicals. The CBSE circular, regarding the compartment exam, states that the compartmental practical exams should be conducted by the 15th of July 2019 for the students appearing from open school and by 30th June for the candidates appearing from regular school.


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