CBSE Board Makes Available Permission Letter For Class 10 and 12 Students
As per the notification released by the CBSE, dated 16-06-2020, they have made available the permission letter for download on the official site from 19-06-2020. Due to official and administrative reasons like fixing exam centres, transfer of centres and so on, the Permission letter, List of Candidates and Centre Materials will be available for download w.e.f 19 June 2020.

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) had issued the permit for Classes 10 and 12 board exams to be taken at the home center itself. Candidates who are attending the examinations will be given a letter of permission from the school. Exams were postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic and succeeding lockdown. School can now start downloading the required documents from the official website, as of today. CBSE 10th (Delhi Zone) and the remaining papers for CBSE Class 12 exams are expected to be held from 1 July to 15 July 2020.

CBSE Board Makes Available Permission Letter For Class 10 and 12 Students

For official notice regarding the same please check this CBSE Notification released on the official site.


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