CBSE Will Conduct Practical Exam Externally, Sends Notice To Affiliated Schools

In the recent era, the education system has been updated with many changes in order to improve the standards of education in the country. In a recent initiative, the Central Board of Secondary Education popularly known as CBSE has decided to conduct the CBSE Board Exams 2020 practical exams at external centers. Before the practical exams used to be conducted at the home centers itself.

As per the notice issued by the Board, any school affiliated with the Board can be made as Board Examination Centre for AISSCE/AISSE theory/practical examination conducted by the Board. According to the news report, the CBSE Board is also planning to adapt new changes in the marking scheme of practical examination. For the practical examination, the Board will issue different admit cards which they need to carry at the time of the exam, exactly like the theory paper exams.

All the affiliated schools need to provide the details as mentioned in the enclosed proforma for the Practical exam 2020, as per the Board instructions.Once they receive all the details from the affiliated schools, it will take a suitable decision on it. Students can check the official notification by visiting the CBSE official website.

We at BYJU’S help students by providing valuable study materials such as CBSE Sample Papers, question papers, syllabus, notes, books so that they can score good marks in their exam.


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