Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ has released the alternative academic calendar for students on NCERT website. The alternative academic calendar has been released with the aim of providing teachers, parents, and students with multiple alternative ways of learning at home through interesting activities. This new initiative by the HRD minister and NCERT will also help students in coping up with the present environment of stress.

Alternative Academic Calendar for All CBSE Classes

In the period of global pandemic due to Covid-19, students should stay at homes to prevent its spread in the community. So, to keep them busy, NCERT has come up with interesting activities which students can perform at home and learn from them. Keeping this in context, NCERT has developed an Alternative Academic Calendar for all the stages of school education. It will not only keep children busy but also maintain continuity of their learning in their new classes.

Students can download the alternative academic calendar pdf from the link below:

Download Alternative Academic Calendar PDF

Alternative Academic Calendar for Primary Students – English PDF

Alternative Academic Calendar for Primary Students – Hindi PDF

Alternative Academic Calendar for Upper Primary Students – English PDF

Alternative Academic Calendar for Upper Primary Students – Hindi PDF

Alternative Academic Calendar for Secondary Students – English PDF

Alternative Academic Calendar for Secondary Students – Hindi PDF

Alternative Academic Calendar for Higher Secondary Students – English PDF

Alternative Academic Calendar for Higher Secondary Students – Hindi PDF

Features of Alternative Academic Calendar

The alternative academic calendar is extensively useful for students’ studies. Here, we have listed a few features of the calendar.

1) It provides guidelines on using social media for teaching and also has guidelines to cope with stress and anxiety during the present situation of COVID-19.

2) The academic calendar has week-wise plans with related activities and challenges. The weekly plan is based on the themes, chapters of the textbook and syllabus across the subject areas.

3) Calendar stresses on the adoption of Flipped Classroom models.

4) Teachers may encourage students of higher secondary classes to undertake more and more self-study. Also, they are suggested to learn-by-doing under the supervision of parents and resources available at the home.

The activities suggested in the alternative academic calendar are not mandatory for students. It’s up to students’ interest and they should not be forced to do the activities.

We hope this information on “Alternative Academic Calendar” will help students in their studies and in reducing the stress of the current COVID-19 situation. Students can make use of this crucial time by learning new things. Download BYJU’S App and get interactive study videos. Students can also access the study material such as CBSE Sample Papers, Previous Years Question Papers, NCERT Solutions, Revision notes and much more by visiting BYJU’S website.